
Orthodox Christianity Basics – The Nous – Met. Jonah – Catechism Part 1

Catechism class part 1 from Met. Jonah. Met. Jonah covers the basics of repentance and metanoia, the healing of the nous in Orthodox soteriology and our rejection of this world and the devil. This is part 1 of a series steamed to our discord.  To support Met. Jonah and his plans to build a new monastery, you can donate here.

Gaslight! Gaslighting, Trauma & Hitchcock’s Marnie! Jay + Tristan

Narcissism! Psychopath! GOSSSLYTIN! It’s all the rage!  Tristan and I will deconstruct what these terms really mean and how the Youtube dramasphere is misusing these terms, as well as considering the symbolism and meaning in these two films that enlighten us on the topics of psychological warfare, trauma, mind control and more!


Aliester Crowley, Marjorie Cameron, Jack Parsons & More – Isaac + Jay

Isaac Weishaupt joins me to cover the dark, bizarre, occult world of Crowley and Cameron and how it ties into Parsons and Hubbard.  Isaac did his series on Cameron a year ago and it was a killer dose of info.  What is the real story of these weirdos and their fascination and manipulation of the cults they controlled? Thursday night at 6PM CST

Gnostics, Charismatics & Early Christian Heresies & Fathers – Jay Dyer (Half)

In this lecture, I cover the many notes from the classic scholarly work from Jaroslav Pelikan, Emergence of the Cath0lic Tradition, vol. 1. Pelikan’s history of the development of ideas is a standard work for historical theology and provides an excellent introduction to the first 6 centuries of the Chrlstian Church, the major heresies, the Creed and Trinity, Nicaea and more! The second half is for paid subscribers to JaysAnalysis.

Monarchia of the Father & The Early Church – Al Fadi – An Interview with Jay Dyer

Join Al Fadi & Jay Dyer on a Let Us Reason Livestream PRIME
Topic: The Early Church Views on Various Doctrines!
Join Al Fadi and brother Jay Dyer (Jays Analysis) as they discuss the views taken by the early church on certain essential biblical doctrines such as the Trinity and the Monarchy of the Father.


The Great Reset Prepares Us For Transhumanism – Jay Dyer on lnf0warz

I return to host the last hour of the h@lex J0nes Show, covering Davos head Klaus Schwab’s admission the whole system of IoT, chlps and more are all real.  In fact, Schwab’s book is two years prior to the Cooof, and preps us for geeoengineering, the circular economy and more.  Klaus lays out the whole gameplan and I demonstrate this also aligns with the 2007 MOD paper predicting mobs and Marxism, as well as Julian’s Philosophy of Unesco from 1946.

Gramsci, the “Puranic” and Shekhar Gupta

  Re-reading Antonio Gramsci lately, in preparation for a webinar organized by the Dean, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad on “Gandhi, Ambedkar, Gramsci”, I was struck by an aspect of his thought that I had not really understood in all its dimensions earlier. This aspect is directly related to the relationship between subalternity … Continue reading Gramsci, the “Puranic” and Shekhar Gupta →