
Disney, Beyonce & UFOs?? Jay Dyer, Jamie Hanshaw & Isaac

Isaac joins us again to cover another one of the pop stars endued with mega level symbolic power.  Raised to goddess status, no one in the modern pop landscape can compare to Beyonce, outside a couple mega stars like gaga and Katy Perry.  Beyonce’s star power is enough to grant her her own church cult, and in this talk we will analyze her, Disney, and the forgotten Disney documentary on UFOs.  Is there a connection? Isaac’s new book will offer some answers.


Vatican 2, Geopolitics, the CIA & the Jesuits – Wemhoff’s Book (Half)

Tonight I will be covering the first several chapters of traditionalist Catholic lawyer David Wemhoff’s magisterial Cold War analysis of the geopolitical forces in the background of Vatican II.  Contrary to the standard “trad” narrative, Wemhoff forces trads to swallow a new reddplLL that the CIA co-opted the Roman church through Vatican 2 operatives like Jesuit John Courtney Murray, CD Jackson and Henry Luce of Time Magazine.

Top 10 BAD Arguments Against the Transcendental Argument for God

We often hear the same objections to TAG based on similar mistakes.  A year ago I did a specific stream presenting TAG and why it holds up against TANG found here. I covered the supposed transcendental argument for the non-existence of God, but we saw this was based on a fallacious understanding of theological voluntarism.  Today we will cover more common and simpler objections to TAG which are usually based on misunderstandings, fallacies and basic blunders.


Apocalypse Trilogy! The Thing, Prince of Darkness & In the Mouth of Madness W/Tristan

TRISTAN joins me to REVISIT and cover two of my favorite topics – John Carpenter and the end times.  Luckily, John Carpenter has given us an insight into the end times in his famous trilogy.  I covered the trilogy a few years back, but now that things are buckwyle crazy than they were, we can learn even more from Sutter Cain, the green goo and Kurt Russell.  We’ll look at the Cold War and the thing and its GMO theme, the CERN-ish portal green demon gnostic base matter goo of Prince of Darkness and the Antichrist, and the hell mouth opened up in Mouth of Madness.


The Philosophy of Women, Life & God – Tristan Tate / Jay Dyer

A controversial interview!  One half of the infamous Tate brothers joins me to discuss the basics of life: women, life, relationships, and other big questions. Tristan recently expressed interest in Orthodoxy and mutuals requested a discussion. Former Kickboxer Tristan has a unique perspective on life as a fighter and hopefully we can help move him into the realm of Orthodoxy.


Philosophy, Universals & Divine Conceptualism: Feser, Aristotle & Augustine (Half)

Today I will be taking Dr. Feser’s Five Proofs book and analyzing the pros and cons.  I will start with the chapter “Augustinian Proofs” since it comes the closest to the transcendental argument for God, as well as looking at other works about the inadequacy of bare monotheism, St Basil Vs Aristotle’s “great architect of the universe god” and thus no natural theology in the Thomistic sense, as well as some rejoinders to these problems from St. Maximos, as well as Q n A and super chats.  The full lecture is for paid subs to JaysAnalysis.