
Image & Likeness of God: Vladimir Lossky (Half) – Jay Dyer

Today we cover Lossky’s book Image and Likeness and see the Orthodoxy theology of man and the outworking of the Orthodox doctrine of anthropology.  In contrast to the West, the anthropology flows directly from the Triadology and Christology: this means our anthropology is specifically a revealed anthropology, and not a doctrine of philosophical speculation, although […]

The New Babel VS. The Church: Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy – Fr Peter Heers

Live at 430 CST! Fr Heers returns to cover a wide array of topics, including his recent course covering Fr Seraphim Rose’s Orthodox Survival Course, false ecumenism and the spirit of our age (Tower of Babel), ecclesial Nestorianism, the holy fathers, heresy and healing, today’s caesaropapism, “Neo-Palamism” and the energies, the confrontation with Rome and […]

USA, Russia, Orthodoxy & The Ukraine Schism – Jim Jatras

 Jim Jatras returns to discuss the history of espionage and geopolitics as it relates to Ukraine, Russia and Orthodoxy in the USA.  We cover the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Cold War espionage, ‘KGB Bishops,’ persecution, CIA and expatriates, the present state of Moscow and the West and the new Cold War as it […]
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The Schizophrenic Crisis

I’m not looking at schizophrenia for the moment as a sickness, but as a more or less inevitable development or consequence of a body that refines thought to such an extent that it becomes confused by its own images and beliefs and mistakes them for reality itself. Conclusive certainty or dogma would be an obvious […]
The post The Schizophrenic Crisis first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Logos / Logoi & The Christocentric Cosmology of St Maximos – Dr Tollefsen

 Dr. Torstein Tollefsen joins me to cover his masterful work on the Christocentric Cosmology of St Maximos and the Logoi doctrine.  We discuss the advanced issues St. Maximos covers in his metaphysics, the concept of the Porphyrian tree, the relationship of Neoplatonism to St. Maximos, universals and particulars, recapitulation, the logoi of being and […]

Top 10 Questions About Orthodox Christianity! – Jay & Jamie

 Jamie joins me to raise the top 10 questions she and many other had and have as Protestants looking in. Although these questions aren’t exclusive to Protestants, they are the top 10 most Protestants and evangelicals raise. We cover St. Mary the Theotokos, traditions of men, the Eucharist, councils and more! Be sure to […]
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Can the world be changed?

Can the world be changed in any fundamental way or not? Will the methods one uses to change it end up doing more harm than good? Should one mind one’s own business or make the problems of the world one’s own too? These were some of the questions at the core of a debate I had over four decades ago[Read More...]
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