
Great Reset EXPLAINED + Alien Disclosure Part 2 – Jay Dyer / Richard Grove

 Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope and the Grand Theft World Podcast RETURNS!  We will cover more shocking admissions on the part of the Davos elite and the World Economic Forum concerning the Great Reset, communism, dialectics, elite usage of psychological warfare and the UFO / alien disclosure – and the Vatican’s acceptance of […]

Sincere Spirituality For A Better World

Spirituality has always been a very important part of human progress, but these days when we talk about spirituality we feel the need to prefix ‘sincere’, an indicator of how much hypocrisy has been practiced in the name of spirituality in recent times. Hence it is better to state  at the outset that here  we are discussing sincere spirituality only.[Read More...]

Eight Essentials of Human Progress, Always Crucial But Often Neglected

While there are so many factors which are important for true progress of humanity, some of these can be identified as the most crucial and essential. Firstly, there should be a widespread sincere belief in and commitment to equality and justice. There should be absolutely no room for  any discrimination, any deprivation or any denial based  on race, religion, color,[Read More...]

X Files Explained – Top 10 Episodes & Fight the Future Film! Jay & Jamie Dyer (Half)

  We finally tackle X-Files in terms of the overall story arc and the top 10 episodes of all time, based on our own esoteric and extreme silly level criteria.  We will look at classics like the Leech Man, the real meaning behind the 1998 Fight the Future Feature Film and the weirdest installments.  The […]

Empty Man (2020), Tibetan Book of the Dead & More! (Half)

 I happened to watch a film related to Tibetan Buddhism without realizing it, as I have been reading the Leary version of the Tibetan Book of the Dead we mentioned with COTEL.  After watching the film, I noticed several relevant patterns of ego death, “enlightenment,” the LSD journey and the death journey, manifestation of […]
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The Monarchy of the Father & Eternal Generation of the Son

By: Jay Dyer “I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of one essence with the […]
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Matt Fradd, Filioque & More – Open Forum Debate / Q n A – Roman Catholics

 Tonight is another open forum before the interview with James Fox Higgins! Questions will come from discord but preference will be given to Streamlabs questions. I end up answering a couple questions about Matt Fradd, the Filioque and eternal manifestation. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and […]

Christians as Dangerous Good Samaritans

Lately, I’ve been musing about religion and politics. And more specifically, the thought that keeps recurring to me is the following: Is the idea of born agains and other Christians becoming political radicals, a far-fetched one? Or, should the question be, how could they not become  politically radical Christians? One sees frequent references to the […]
The post Christians as Dangerous Good Samaritans first appeared on Dissident Voice.