
They Live, Predator, Star Trek, Signs, Under the Skin & More! Jay & Jamie Dyer (Half)

 We continue alien January by deconstructing more of the most popular alien/ufo films, reaching back to the 80s with Arnold and Jessie in Predator and John Carpenter’s They Live, Lesser known occult alien films like Life-force, Shyamalan’s Signs, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers from the 70s . Signs, interestingly, has a Christian influenced […]

Jordan Peterson Vs. Matt Dillahunty Debate Review – Jay Dyer

 One of the most popular YouTube debates was between Matt Dillahunty and Jordan Peterson in 2018.  Last year we reviewed the Great Debate between Dr. Greg Bahnsen and Dr. Gordon Stein outlining the transcendental argument in classic form and in this debate, JBP came really close near the middle of the discussion of making […]
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Protests as a marker of Social change

From time immemorial protests have been a very significant way to argue for one’s rights. In British India Mahatma Gandhi introduced the non-violent way of protesting publicly which is bhuk hartal or public gathering where people quietly protest by fasting and not drinking water. Shouting slogans is another way to show resistance and disagreement. Candle light vigil is also taken[Read More...]

Today India Needs Both Gandhi and Bhagat Singh, and the Unity of Their Followers More Than Ever Before

In recent times India has been passing through the most difficult period of its post-independence history. The most sacred constitutional precept of social  (including inter-faith) equality and harmony is badly threatened, while economic inequality and the grip of a few top billionaires on economy have been increasing like never before. Destruction of environment and bio-diversity are rampant, and the safeguards[Read More...]

Gospel of John Chapter 1 – Logos & Trinity – Jay Dyer (Half)

 Today we will cover the amazing mysteries of the Gospel of John, its symbolism and typology and the continuity with the Law and Prophets.  We will see the uncreated Light, which is patterned as a version of the Genesis account. We will see how the Gospel of John many times over declares the Deity […]
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Religion is not Rational

 Religion is not rational, yet attempts are made all the time to prove it is.             One example is the Templeton Study. The Templeton Foundation arranged for Christians to pray for 1800 heart patients and tracked the results. It conducted a double-blind study to see if patients who were prayed for, did better. In actual fact, the group, which knew that it[Read More...]

Prometheus, E.T., War of the Worlds and More! Alien Madness – Jay & Jamie Dyer

Tonight we continue Alien month here at my channel by investigating more of the bigger and lesser known alien films we haven’t covered.  Will look at Spielberg in War of the Worlds and E.T., HG Wells, Prometheus, Super 8, Fire in the Sky, Contact, Day the Earth Stood Still and Communion. Live at 730 PM […]

The Debate Between Violence and Non-Violence in Social Movements

In history there has been a long debate between violence and non-violence in the context of social movements. Some very great persons who brought very beneficial and durable change chose the path of non-violence and peace. Some very courageous and capable leaders and their followers, on the other hand, had no hesitation in using violent methods and they too achieved[Read More...]

UFO Alien Deception – Overview & Analysis – Jay Dyer

 We will be doing an overview of the “UFO/alien phenomenon to kick off Alien January here at JaysAnalysis. We will cover the history and questions of the nephilim and the watchers from a biblical perspective, the notion of inter dimensional beings, the concept of “space” aliens and “ETs” and “EBEs,” alien cults and intelligence […]
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Great Reset, UFO Disclosure & The World Order – Sean Stone / Jay Dyer

 Sean Stone joins me to discuss his book, great reset, his works and more! We cover the ideology of imperium, its typical failure and collapse, the modus operandi or corporate enslavement, how the banking elites enslave, the problems of fiat and currencies, mafias and unions, Oliver Stone films and themes, the history of the […]