
Does God Exist? William Lane Craig vs. Christopher Hitchens REACTION / REVIEW

 Next up is the review of the second biggest debate on YouTube, the match up of Hitchens and William Lane Craig.  Last week’s Craig debate did well, and you’ve requested more, so this time it will be me and Fr. Dc. Dr. Ananias, an excellent debater himself, who joins me to add his wisdom […]
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What Philosophers say about Coronavirus Prevention?

Written by Thomas Klikauer and Nadine Campbell The 2020-2021 coronavirus is by no means the first pandemic that has impacted people’s lives. Throughout history, philosophers have contributed to our understanding of what pandemics mean and how to fight them. Self-evidently, philosophers are dedicated to philosophy. Like the term pandemic originating in Greek’s pandēmos – “pan” or “all” linked to “demos”,[Read More...]

Introduction to Orthodox Church: Byzantine Theology by Fr John Meyendorff (Half)

 We have a lot of requests for introduction texts and this one is a classic – used by many Orthodox Seminaries, Byzantine Theology is now our Discord Group’s standard text. The book is an introductory overview by well-known Orthodox theologian and scholar of the 20th century, Fr. John Meyendorff, who is also the author […]

DEBATE REVIEW: God’s Existence – Trent Horn Vs. CosmicSkeptic – Jay Dyer

 Ready for more? This one was specifically requested by Lewis, so we will analyze the classical apologetic method of Trent Horn Vs. the up and coming torch bearer for the scientism/new atheism crew, Cosmic Skeptic. YourMateTom says he wants to set up a debate with myself and CosmicSkeptic, but we’ll see if that ever […]

The God Debate: Sam Harris Vs. William Lane Craig REVIEW!

 The previous debate review was well received, so today we will cover the most popular WLC debate on YouTube, his squaring off against atheist Sam Harris.  Is William Lane Craig solid in his argument?  Does Harris stump him?  What about WLC’s conglomeration of various arguments and the Kalam Cosmological Argument?   As we saw […]
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What is Progress?

A lot of problems have been caused by the fact that there has not been  enough careful thinking on what constitutes human progress and it has been often just taken for granted that progress has been taking place over long periods of time, interrupted occasionally perhaps by some short-term disruptions. This leads to the curious  anomaly of periods of aggravation[Read More...]

Reclaiming ‘Truth’ from ‘Lies’ and ‘Bullshit’ in the ‘Post Truth’ Society

Truth as Interpretation There can be different versions of truth from what has been already accepted as truth. In 1951, renowned Japanese moviemaker Akira Kurosawa made one of the greatest movies in history, titled Rashomon. No other movie must have better investigated the philosophy of truth and justice than this movie. Rashomon establishes that it is possible for us to[Read More...]