
In our hurry to conquer nature and death, we have made a new religion of science

Back in the 1880s, the mathematician and theologian Edwin Abbott tried to help us better understand our world by describing a very different one he called Flatland. Imagine a world that is not a sphere moving through space like our own planet, but more like a vast sheet of paper inhabited by conscious, flat geometric […]

Denying the Demonic

Edward Curtin In March of last year as the coronavirus panic was starting, I wrote a somewhat flippant article saying that the obsession with buying and hoarding toilet paper was the people’s vaccine. My point was simple: excrement and death have long been associated in cultural history and in the Western imagination with the evil …

James Delingpole Podcast – Jay Dyer

 Philosopher, comedian, author of Esoteric Hollywood 1 & 2, presenter of TV’s Hollywood Decoded talks to James about God, technocracy, Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy & Hope, movie subtexts and the future of the human race. Support James:     Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews […]

Top 10 Arguments AGAINST The Trinity Refuted! – Jay Dyer

 Today I am finally getting around to doing a stream I’ve intended to do for a long time: replying to the standard fare top 10 arguments you hear from atheists, Muslims, Arians, etc., on why the Triad isn’t true. Fundamental to this question will be the place of revelation in our theology, the harmonization […]
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Papal Infallibility, Council Dogmas & Protestant Millennialism – Jay Dyer/ Fr Dcn Ananias Q n A

 Tonight we ended up not covering the work by St. Theodore the Studite On the Holy Icons which forms part of the theological basis of the argumentation of the 7th Ecumenical Councils.  Instead we did Q n A that covered Protestant assumptions, ecumenical councils and the canons – are canon laws infallible? – addressing […]

EMERGENCY BROADCAST: SPARS 2025-2028 Is The Blueprint For Total Collapse of Civilization

600k views in 2 days!  This is a huge viral report! Jay Dyer joins hAlex J0nez to help give a SPARS 2025-2028 update and confirm what 1nfowars has been reporting for over a year: the C0V1D-l9 vaccine is a globalist bio-attack meant to collapse nation states and usher in the New World 0rder. Subscribe to […]

The Dark Art Occult Psyop Of Serial Killers – Sam Tripoli / Jay Dyer

 Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode we welcome back the Occult Killa, Jay Dyer, to the show to discuss the insane connection between serial killers and the Military, the Elites and the Occult! As always Jay Dyer brings the heat and […]
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