
Debate Review & Reaction: Orthodox (Witcoff) VS. Gnostic (Leeds) – Jay Dyer

 Michael Witcoff (Orthodox) squared off recently in a debate with gnostic Mart Leeds33 on his channel concerning the “gnostic” worldview and its interpretation of Scripture compared to the Orthodox view of God, Scripture and history. We will probably only cover the first half but this will be a fun one. And yes, we will […]

Culture, Self and Law

Darren Allen This is an extract from Self and Unself, Darren Allen’s new ‘philosophy of all and everything’. Some of the terms herein — consciousness, self, ego, etc — may appear somewhat mysterious or abstract as they are explained in earlier sections of the book. Self produces manifest culture, and then that culture shapes self. …

Collective for what? Humility and compassion is the need of time

In the recent past we have seen enough of riots, trolling and devaluation of others in the name of collectivity. Nothing is like groups emancipation and collectivity if it is used for degradation and humiliation of others. Emotion which pleases us when others are suffering is dehumanizing. In the time of pandemic, there is a doubling of humanity crisis, both[Read More...]

Body Snatcher Synthoid Mutation Invasion Alien Spore MOVIES! – Jay Dyer (Half)

 Tonight we will cover Cell (2016), The Invasion with Nicole Kidman, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), Village of the Damned, Invaders From Mars, Assimilate, The Faculty, Honeymoon, and Species!  We will cover the eerie parallels to modern scenarios, the original Cold War setting and much, much more, which meshes perfectly with my recent […]

Solari Report: Great Reset & The Philosophic Roots of Transhumanism: Catherine Austin Fitts / Jay Dyer

Catherine is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the […]

Burning on Both Ends–Relations of Dominance Cause Distress on Both Sides

           One of the most persistent causes of human distress in world has been that too many human relationships are built around the tendencies of dominance and exploitation. This is true not just of the apparently more hostile  relationships but even of some apparently friendly relationships where the urge for  dominance often remains  at least on one side and contributes[Read More...]

Icon & Incarnation: The Reality of Symbolism – Jay Dyer (Half)

 Today we will do the icon stream on the philosophy and reality of symbols: type, prototype, archetype and the ultimate reference point for Orthodox philosophy.  The symbolic world of correspondences in our worldview is much more than mere analogy, similitude or metaphor: For us the symbolic is directly grounded in the logical (logoi), and […]

Inside the Mind of David Lynch: Esoteric Symbolism in Wild at Heart & More

 The Decameron film festival hosted online this year invited me on to do a deep dive into Lynch, the symbolism, patterns and influences on his artwork, focusing on Wild at Heart.     Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books […]