
UFO Alien PSYOP – Close Encounters & The Fourth Kind Explained – Jay Dyer + Tristan

 Jay and Tristan will deconstruct Close Encounters and a recent film with a related theme starring Milla Jovovich, Fourth Kind, which has the theme of the demonic. Both films are unique in their own way for insights into the alien UFO deception and the relationship to the shadow gubmint and the manipulation of worldviews. […]

Jordan Peterson Vs Sam Harris Part 1 – Debate Review & Reaction – Jay Dyer

The next most requested debate was the series of discussions between Dr Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris, known as the Vancouver talks.  They will begin the discussion by the issue of grounding ethics and “common ground,” and whether we can do metaphysics.   The full debate is linked here. Live today at 330 PM CST […]

Bryan Callen & Sam Tripoli Debate C0nspiracies CLIP with Jay Dyer!

 Conspiracy Social Club gets hot and nasty with Bryan Callen and Sam Tripoli hashing out the issues concerning culture creation, feminism, the origins of mass media, the intelligence agencies and more! This is a small clip from a full episode you can find here.  My Rokfin channel can be found here.      Subscribe […]

Trinity, Holy Spirit & Pentecost – John 13-17 (Half) – Jay Dyer

This evening we will continue to work though the Gospel of John with more Trinitarian texts and analyses, with a focus on the Feast of Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit, as well as the Personhood of the Spirit in contrast to the Arians and other heterodox as well as how Pentecost is […]
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Orthodox vs. RC Papacy Debate Review | Erick Ybarra vs Fr. Ramsey on Matt Fradd’s Pints With Aquinas

In this video, we do a review of the debate Erick Ybarra had with Fr. Patrick Ramsey on @Pints With Aquinas concerning whether or not the Vatican I Papacy was present in the first millenium Church. Watch our full video on Patreon:      Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the […]


On my first day as a professor of critical writing in a ‘premier’ university, I decided to conduct an experiment in the classroom. I walked in and told the students that ‘today’s class will focus on critical thinking because one logically and chronologically has to think critically first and only then proceed to write critically.’ Saying that, I wrote ‘cultural[Read More...]

The Interaction between Surrealism and Story Telling

Creative visualization uses imagination, mental images, and the power of thoughts to make objectives come true. Used properly, it can improve and attain richness. It is a power that can alter one’s circumstances, and attract money, possessions, people and love into your life. Creative visualization uses the powers of the human mind, and it is the power behind every triumph.[Read More...]

Debate! Pagan vs. Orthodox: Logos, Language & Metaphysics – Jay Dyer Vs CB Robertson

 I spent 3 hours reworking the audio so pretend along with the vaporware its 1987 and you are listening to an old cassette tape – nothing I can do about it, wasn’t recorded by me. I am reposting it because it’s still a good debate, and so far one of the better debates we’ve […]
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Change In Worldview Need Of Hour

Written by Poornima Bisineer and Sandeep Pandey As the second more virulent wave of coronavirus rages on, the urban areas seem to be more adversely affected compared to the rural areas. Although, there are cases and deaths being now reported from rural areas too but the numbers in cities is disproportionately higher. And within the cities the better off localities[Read More...]