
Understanding the Old Testament: Christological Exegesis – Seraphim Hamilton / Jay Dyer

 Biblical scholar Seraphim Hamilton joins me to discuss the topic of understanding the law and the prophets and how to do hermeneutics.  The science of hermeneutics is a science that can only be done in the context of the church: with repentance, following the fathers and participation in the liturgy being the keys elements […]

From Protestant to Orthodox – Robyn Riley / Jay Dyer

 Robyn joins me to discuss her journey into Orthodoxy from Protestantism, the struggles she encountered, what finally convinced her, and what her experience has been since. Her channel is here.  Live today at 3Pm Cst      Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures […]
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Thomas Hobbes – The Communist?

The British materialist philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) is one of the fathers of social contract theory and modern political philosophy. His magnus opus – Leviathan[i] – is a text which á la Plato’s Republic covers a wide breadth of subjects from epistemology, science, religion, and moral and political philosophy. However, his text is most widely remembered for its monarchism-endorsing political[Read More...]

KOL347 | This Time I’m Curious Ep. 1: The Libertarian Movement, AI Rights, UFOs, Music, Movies, Alcohol

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 347. My appearance on a new youtube channel, This Time I’m Curious (TTIC) with Jesse Munson, Episode 1 (recorded July 4, 2021). We talked about a variety of topics — the history/evolution of libertarianism and my involvement in it, Ayn Rand, the Ron Paul movement, animal rights, AI consciousness and […]

The Vatican, Abuse & Historical Intrigues – Jay / Tristan

 Tristan and Jay cover the history of Vatican corruption and intrigues that tie into the global networks of organized crim3. From the Great Western Schism and the Frankish papacy to the Jesuit intelligence networks to the modern period of the Vatican Bank and its scandals, the Vatican is not postured at the center of […]
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The Amazing Spider-Man (2012): GMOs & Human Experimentation

“With great revenue comes great propaganda.” I’ve forgotten how many Spider-Mans we are into reboots, but the 2012 Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone installment seems curiously relevant now, given the theme of mutating man I’ve been covering. Back to our Salk and Koestler analyses, we’ve chronicled the attempt of the technocratic elite to intentionally engineer, […]

Ritual Abuse & Criminal Organizations in Roman Catholicism

While it’s true that every church or religious organization can suffer from corruption and institutional degradation, the prevalence, prominence and astounding cases of abuse and molestation, including Satanic ritual abuse, in the Roman Catholic Church are unparalleled. The attempt to chalk it all up to “liberal media lies” and “fake news” that Roman Catholic apologists […]

Hollywood, Geopolitics & Psychological Warfare – Jay Dyer / Courtenay Turner

“In this episode Jay shares a broad strokes overview of the current geopolitical milieu, explaining some of the historical context that lead us where we are today, and where we might be headed in the future. Courtenay and Jay discuss psyops, and the goals/ plans/ history of the elites. They discuss their use of Hollywood, […]