
Does New Age Mysticism REALLY Explain Quantum Physics? Communist Theory of Mind Says No

Orientation From Marxism to de Chardin, General Systems Theory to Buckminster Fuller Around 1975, it dawned on me that the revolutionary times of the 1960s were not coming back. I still considered myself a council communist but I felt something was missing. I thought Marxism needed to be seen within a larger framework. I began […]

Open Forum Q n A & DEBATE! Atheists, Roman Catholics, Muslims & Pagans! -Jay Dyer

 Today we will have open forum debate and Q n A chat: Open forum means atheists, Muslims, pagans, Non-Chalcedonians, Protestants and evangelicals, etc., can come on the discord and ask live questions or raise questions via superchats (through Streamlabs now) relating to any of the issues or TAG, etc. Come join us! Live at […]

The Real Reason why Socrates was Killed and why Class Society Must Whitewash his Death     

       The killing of Socrates left a stain on the fabric of Athenian society, a stain it nearly expanded 80 years later with similar threats of impiety towards an Aristotle determined not to let Athens “sin twice against philosophy.”[i] This original sin against philosophy has been immortalized in philosophy classrooms for millenniums to come – turning for philosophy[Read More...]

Protestantism Refuted: Justification by Faith Alone? Seraphim + Jay Dyer (Half)

 Seraphim Hamilton joins me to cover the exegetical questions around justification by faith alone, his debate with a recent reformed Calvinist, the issue of historical theology and created grace, Trent and the counter-reformation, the Augustinian problem (for Protestants – St. Augustine was not a Calvinist!) and the cosmic theology of Orthodox Ecumenical Councils, which […]

Forget Wars on Covid and Terror: War on Climate Collapse Is the Only War of Necessity for Human Survival

Mythology of humans’ natural impulse for empathy Warfare has been a plague haunting the human species ever since our evolution to become Homo Sapiens, finally, around 300,000 years ago in Africa. Etymologically, homo means human and sapiens means wise or knowledgeable. One can see that in this 18th century anthropocentric characterization of our species, the […]

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Philosophy & Geopolitics – Jay Dyer

 Tonight I’ll be getting into the crypto domain and analyzing my picks, as well as where things may be going with the Great Reset and more! Support via ETH here: 0xBF77E7bfef243859948B850E203040796774d366 Support via BTC here: bc1q8zhv3yk4steuykflurjv3hlz9z8ctytc29ffkx       Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews […]

Secrets of the Renaissance: The Russian Connection & Symbolic Analysis – Fr Vladimir Kaydanov

 Fr. Vladimir Kaydanov joins me to cover the little known history that connects Byzantium, the Renaissance and Russia in a fascinating providential tale that needs to be told. Fr Vladimir’s focus is geometric analysis of Renaissance works, as well as the historical connection to fascinating planned cities like St. Petersburg, Russia. Fr Vladimir weaves […]

I’ve Been Called “Negative” for Decades. Why?

For as long as I’ve been writing (articles and books) and giving public talks, I’ve aimed to bluntly challenge conventional wisdom. For doing the grunt work of digging up uncomfortable truths, I’ve often heard the refrain: Why are you so negative? On more than one occasion, I’ve replied to this blatant straw man. Below is […]
The post I’ve Been Called “Negative” for Decades. Why? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Afghanistan, Bln Laden & the CIA – Hollywood Connection: Jay Dyer on Slow News Day

Slow News Day invited me on to cover the recent news regarding Afghanistan and the Taliban. As we have covered for years, this was always a tool for the Pax Americana and the drug trade.  The full video is available on their Rokfin.  We get into forgotten news that demonstrates the FFO elements of the […]