
Great Reset Transhumanism & History – Jay Dyer on Charles Moskowitz Show

 Charles Moskowitz and Jay Dyer discuss the Darwinian ethos and trans-humanism and the desire for man to be God. Remember to boost that T naturally with 60% all products at using promo code ‘JAY60’ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase […]

What is MK ULTRA? (FREE HALF) Jay Dyer

 This is the first section of a lecture covering the various projects, history and works available on MK ULTRA. MK Ultra is a moniker for a host of now declassified projects that dealt with military, CIA and corporate experiments in mind control that involved dozens of medical, psychiatric, prison, military and other fronts and […]
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Bitcoin & Crypto Philosophy: Jay Dyer on GoldSilverBitcoin, Ep. 35

 Get started in Bitcoin by using my referral code here.  In this episode of The GoldSilverBitcoin Show, we sit down with Jay Dyer, of Jaysanalysis (also on YouTube @JayDyer). Jay is an author, comedian, and TV presenter who focuses on Hollywood, geopolitics, culture, and cryptocurrency. We discuss bitcoin and the Great Reset. Jay covers […]

Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us – Essay Analysis – Jay Dyer

 Bill Joy’s famous essay should count as one of the writings of the elite, as the essay admits much of what we have discussed for the last 20 years: mass depop, a coming tech dystopia, the Brave New World scenario, and much more, as we analyze in brief the tech billionaire’s 2000 warning found […]
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Orthodoxy, Philosophy, Apologetics, Geopolitics, History, Transhumanism, Ecumenism, Globalism & more

 “Welcome to EPISODE 25 of my channel and podcast: The Devotional Hearts Show! My guest is Jay Dyer of “Jay’s Analysis”, well known in the Online Orthodox Community for his books, lectures, interviews, debates, and articles. Jay’s content creation includes (but is not limited to) debate, apologetics, satire, metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature […]

Bitcoin, The Divine Mind, The Bible & Economics, TAG – Open Forum Q n A & Debate – Jay Dyer

Today I want to discuss the biblical concept of money and sound currency, as well as principles behind the fallen “world system,” avoiding gnosticism, the Ascension, philosophy of symbols and more, as well as the Trinity, Neoplatonism, the noetic realm and TAG. We will take open forum challenges and debates today and see what objections […]

Psy Op Documents Planning our Future: Jay Dyer on OIT

Tim invited me back to cover psy ops and white papers outlining our future. We mention the Silent Weapons document, as well as the NAT0 document relating to cognitive warfare. Remember to boost that T naturally with 60% all products at using promo code ‘JAY60’ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access […]
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Atheism Factory: Pope, Preacher & the Circus’ Collapse into the Post-Human + Open Debate & Q n A

 Why is the Western world (and now most of the world), in terms of religions, a giant atheism factory? What are the events and ideologies that led to such a drastic alteration in human living where religion has not died, but been replaced by a new religion of techne? Many factors could be listed, […]

The Tribal Left’s a Mirror Image of the Tribal Right

Of course, I expect a backlash every time I write. It comes with the territory. There is no point being a Bari Weiss or a David Frum and crying out against “cancel culture”. Dissension is part of the rough and tumble of a modern world in which everyone – at least, for a little longer […]
The post The Tribal Left’s a Mirror Image of the Tribal Right first appeared on Dissident Voice.