
Papal Supremacy? An Analysis of Welton’s Two Paths – Jay Dyer (Half)

 Tonight we will examine the classic Orthodox apologetic book Two Paths: Papal Monarchy or Collegiality in its first half as a helpful addendum to our previous two papal / canon law streams. The work stands as a great introduction to the topic, since many are new to church history and the two models of […]
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Jay Dyer Show #1 – New For 2022 – Daily Livestream Show: News, Movies, Books. Philosophy & More

 We are trying a new model this year: a daily satirical livestream show at 7PM CST weeknights, as well as the weekly long-form lectures. Nothing will change for the site, aside from more content, while edgier part 2 content will be available at my site and over at Rokfin. We will also do more […]

The RAND Corporation & Shadow Government – Jason Bermas / Jay Dyer

 Jason Bermas invited me back on to discuss the history, origins and plans of the Rand Corp. to enact a technocracy based on the ‘third way’ geopolitical philosophy.  Commandeered by Neo-cons, the Rand Corp;. was both the mastermind of the Cold War and the “red threat” terr0r campaign, we dive into how Rand and […]
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How Vatican 1 Contradicts the Councils – Jay Dyer

 Tonight we will work through each of the canons of the councils that refutes the Vatican 1 dogma of papal supremacy.  If the papal dogma of Vatican 1 was the perennial view, it should not be contradicted by multiple canons in each council.  As Vatican 1 states: “For “no one can be in doubt, […]
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How Vatican 1 is the Key to Refuting Roman Catholicism – Jay Dyer (Half)

 Since it seems 95% of Roman Catholics have not read the actual documents of Vatican 1 to know precisely what the doctrine of papal infallibility is, we will cover the documents and the relevant encyclicals that expound them today. We will look at how this council is really the fundamental means to refuting papalism, […]

Fr Whiteford & Others Discuss Patristic Faith, Internet Orthodoxy, Technocracy & Gamma-Gatekeepers

 Join us as some of Patristic Faith’s Senior Contributors (Jay Dyer, COTEL, Brother Augustine, the Norwegian Nous, and others) come together to discuss Internet Orthodoxy, Technocracy, its Gamma-Gatekeepers, and the importance of having an apologetic ministry like Patristic Faith. You can find our Patristic Faith website here:     Remember to boost that […]

Reason and Theology Exposed: Heresy, Slander, and Sockpuppet Accounts!?

 This video documents the various errors, examples of incompetencies, unethical attacks and strange activities of “Reason and Theology”. Welcome to the REAL Reason & Theology Comedy hour! Remember to boost that T naturally with 60% all products at using promo code ‘JAY60’ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives […]