
Nostalgic for the Future

Edward Curtin Despite its pedigree as a fundamental element in civilization’s greatest stories, nostalgia has come to be associated with treacly sentimentality, defeatism, and spurious spiritual inclinations. Homer, Vergil, Dante, the Biblical writers, and their ilk would demur, of course, but they have been dead for a few years, so progress’s mantra urges us to …

Morality- Not a question of ten rupees, but character

 “Ahh, you know Aai what happened today”? I entered Home with excitement, threw my college bag and entered the kitchen. Mother was preparing Dinner. “Don’t you dare to come into the kitchen with shoes you idiot, go remove them”. Aai shouted at me. “Ooops, sorry, sorry”. I was really guilty as shoes were dirty due to rain and mud, moreover[Read More...]

Human Augmentation? A Post-Human World? -Jay Dyer

In this video I give an overview of the UK MOD and German Gov document, Human Augmentation: Dawn of a New Paradigm. The amazing document prepares for future war and the need to alter morals, ethics and engineer the masses into acceptance of the biosecurity state. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all […]
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Church Spies! Soft Power, CIA & KGB Churches, Cults & Geopolitics – Jay Dyer (Half)

 State use of the Church extends far beyond the modern world: Many Byzantine Emperors attempted to use the Church, many kings attempted to co-opt the church, as well as using religions in general, which is a form of religious soft power. The ancient world saw the state proclaiming itself god, and often the state’s […]

Most Of the Planet Must Die For The New Order -HG Wells

  Jay Dyer of exposes the H.G. Wells books laying out the population collapse plan of the New World Order.     Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at using promo code ‘JAY50’ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and […]

The Coming Announcement Of Alien Life Is A Technocratic Psy0p – Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer of hosts the final hour of the hAlex J0n3s Show to break down how an extraterrestrial life psychological operation prepared by think tanks- like the Rand corporation- could be used to manipulate the minds of the masses into following a new world order religious movement.   Remember to boost that T naturally […]

The Government Plan To Microchip The World Revealed!

Jay Dyer of guest hosts The hAlex J0n3s Show to break down the future of humanity according to the technocratic elite pushing their transhuman agenda.   Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at using promo code ‘JAY50’ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of […]

Harmless Untruths

Julien Charles In Kurt Vonnegut’s classic novel Cat’s Cradle, the deadpan realist from the Midwest–the 20th century’s Mark Twain–delivers an instructive review of the way in which Americans hold scientists in exceedingly high esteem—and the perils therein. One of his characters is scientist Felix Hoenikker. Hoenikker is a partial reflection of Robert Oppenheimer, who led …