
The Great Reset = The BiIderberg IIIuminati Takeover Plan

Jay Dyer of guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the globalist Illuminati Bilderberg plan for The Great Reset. Topics include the historical origins of the EU, the ideological connection to the Great Reset and the World Economic Forum, the Malthusian mindset and more. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products […]

Liberal Imperium: Ideological Predecessors to the Present Conflict – Jay Dyer (Half)

This evening we will cover the historical geopolitical setting for the present conflicts and crises and how they may prepare us for further implementation of the Gre@t Reset. In order to understand that scenario it is necessary to give a background via the Cold War scenario and Quigley’s analysis, as well as the sea power/land […]

Sam Harris, Transcendental Arguments & David Hume (Is/Ought) – Jay Dyer

Today we will review transcendental argumentation and how it works, as well as using a sample discussion between Sam Harris and another philosopher concerning the Is / Ought question raised on the Jordan Peterson podcast. We will look to understand the process of TAG, as well as how we can apply it to various situations […]

Human Enslavement, Transhumanism, Planned Destruction of Democracy – Jay Dyer/Maria Zeee

Jay Dyer and Maria Zeee discuss the global elite and their writings, the plans for a one world technocratic government, the rise of Skynet and more! “He joined us to discuss his analysis of multiple elite texts from the past century, exposing their plans for transhumanism, the destruction and complete enslavement of humanity as we […]

Leaning into Memoir Writing in Order to “Know”

Following here is an assignment: Find some object you hold near and dear. Something that can leap you into a backward narrative. Something to hold you as a memoir writer, going back, reflecting back. That thing, you can hold or touch. You find meaning in it. And, that object holds stories. Try and do this […]
The post Leaning into Memoir Writing in Order to “Know” first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Fear Not to Be

This year marks the seventieth anniversary of the theologian Paul Tillich’s famous book, The Courage to Be.  Widely read in the days when an educated public read books, it is long forgotten.  In it, Tillich surveys the history of anxiety and fear and their relation to courage, religious faith, and the meaning of life.  His […]
The post The Fear Not to Be first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Fear Not to Be

Edward Curtin This year marks the seventieth anniversary of the theologian Paul Tillich’s famous book, The Courage to Be. Widely read in the days when an educated public read books, it is long forgotten. In it, Tillich surveys the history of anxiety and fear and their relation to courage, religious faith, and the meaning of …