
Mythology Israel Style via the World Wide Net’tle

The notion of the absurd has been prominent in literature throughout history. Many of the literary works of Soren Kierkegard, Samuel Beckett, Franz Kafka, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus contain descriptions of people who encounter the absurdity of the world.
Until quite recently, the word existentialism, in association with the word angst had been the domain of the more inner-looking among us, especially in Europe.

Silver Neon Thunder Phoenix

The Unidentified Flying Object is falling.  Quickly.  Parachuting downward from the heavens.  Earthbound with a message.  Laced with an agenda.  Sending out flares of warning.  This could be the day of the invasion.  Or this could be the day of the implosive flame up from within.    When the enemy strikes it will come from the least expected avenue.  As a parasite that has been holed up inside the guts, toiling away in the acidic nature of the swampy environment, taking its sweet ass time and planning a devilish assault.  When starved will attack.  Symbiotic relationship of the flesh eater.

On Filtration and Purification

Verily, wicked minions who serve Satanic energy forces work to subvert and suppress the Holy Human Spirit by keeping our minds, hearts, guts and souls locked in a low, base, materialistic, illusory, physical vibration.
Verily, they can only achieve their Evil Ends if we allow them to influence our lives by acting in compliance with the methods of control and manipulation they use.
If we follow the guidelines of their corrupt and decadent system, we are willingly placing ourselves in their greedy, dirty, soiled hands.

A Blink in the Night

Blistering sirens sound off in the night as the hurricane symphony of nuclear intimidation tactics blare boisterously across the airwaves, signaling to all citizens that the war is, indeed, officially hot. Game on. But the strange rules of this situation deem that there shall be no victor, only losers. Total annihilation is what the bat shit crazy elitists are seeking this time. All the marbles have been thrown. All the cards are on the table. They are gambling with house money and our lives. Two things they don’t really give a hot steaming pile about. It’s a filthy mess.

All in Its Place

Be not deterred by the overall labor of the challenge before us. Seek only to take those actions in this very day that would move us one step further along toward the desired goal we intend.
And what goal is that?
Resistance of tyranny toward a Renaissance of spirituality and complete Revolution of the soul.
To wit: Taking Mad Scientists and Power Bankers to the cleaners to get their souls washed. And while these foes are away, we can go to work on all the Owned Politicians and Kept Media Propagandists. Then move on to the Religious Charlatans and False Idols.

High Water Mark

When the wind whispers sweet nothings into receptive open ears. When the water rushes over the falls and is gently caressed by the streaming river that gladly welcomes it home. When the rhythm of the peace drums can be heard beating in synchronized tune atop the hillock. When the sun peeks through the clouds and shines its golden rays down upon the world below. When the truth mounts a raging comeback and forces its way up from the core to break through the absurdity of lies that have played erstwhile king in its absence.

Call It Like I See It

The only way out is through.  In order to establish a more orderly society, we will first have to endure the chaos that ensues when the current system breaks down.  So be it.  If we want freedom, we have to shake off those elements which are informed by tyranny.  If we want liberty, we have to do away with the bureaucracy of the government apparatus which prevents such a natural, anarchic state from arising.  We must tend to the garden of sovereignty and weed out the poisonous plants which deplete our soil.  We must starve the Beast through acts of non-compliance and civil disobedience.  Do

Interview 925 – James Perloff on “Truth Is A Lonely Warrior”

Author and researcher James Perloff joins us once again, this time to discuss his most recent book, “Truth Is A Lonely Warrior.” We discuss a range of subjects covered by the book, from false flag events and pretexts for war to the depopulation agenda, Zionism, the Rockefeller-funded ecumenical movement, the culture creation industry and more. We also engage in a discussion on differences in political ideology and the solution to the global government agenda.