
Bono’s Jet Almost Down* … Russell Brand’s Addiction, Headline News!

at-will worker societies definitely not sexy tales for Media Magicians … and  the”other fine messes, Ollie, you’ve gotten us into” don’t get copy: tales from a Laurel and Hardy take on the continuing criminal enterprise system that is Capitalism with an Eye to Total Educational Institution Destruction
John Steppling:

Interview 964 – Financial Survival: Reality, Perception and Government Lies

[audio mp3=""][/audio]Is reality independent of perception, or is perception reality? If perceptions shape our experience of the world, can government and corporations create a false reality for us with their lies? And how does this all relate to unemployment statistics, Sigmund Freud's nephew, and Plato's cave? Join James and Alfred for this philosophical edition of Financial Survival.

The Myth of Diversity and Critical Thinking in American Academia

Note: I was asked to publish this piece in my School Yard Fights, apropos of the mission in the column — to explore the fight left in those who profess allegiance to education, both as mentor and student. This column has taken twists and turns, and as always, it weaves back to the essence of the oppressed in academia and the PK12 adventure in neutralizing humanity and critical thinking.

The Kosher “Philosopher”

Jews and philosophy have had a pretty troubled relationship.  The collision between ‘the tribal’ and ‘the universal’ or, more accurately, between Athens and Jerusalem, is inevitable. The few great Jewish thinkers who transcended the tribal, such as Spinoza or Otto Weininger, have been harassed and labelled by the  rabbis as ‘self haters’ and enemies of the Jews.
Some contemporary Zionist merchants insist upon wrapping their Judeo centrism in crypto philosophical arguments. Bernard-Henri Levy, for instance, advocates his Zionist warmongering using a pseudo ‘moralist’ terminology.

The Corrosive Nature of Competition

E. F. Schumacher’s 1973 Small is Beautiful:  Economics as if People Mattered was aptly subtitled, for when one thinks of the discipline of Economics, one tends to think of a discipline in which people decidedly do not matter!  Rather, one thinks of the discipline as concerned with an abstract, hypothetical “world” in which the efficient use of resources and price-setting are what’s of interest.

An End to Ignorance

It is not me, but we. It is not I, but us. Those who seek to strip away power from the Zionists, the Jesuits, the Imperialists, the Jihadists, the Luciferians, the Satanists, and all forms of centralized principalities of power that cause division through institutionalized warmongering tactics. We would cast out those who have been corrupted with wicked intentions, and place, in their stead, good men and women into positions of leadership to serve as shepherds upon this Earth.

On Courage

Verily, be honest, decent and ethical while living righteously through your actions.
Verily, turn away in hatred from that which is indecent, unethical, morally ambiguous and wrong.
Be not caught up in the temptations and snares of materialism, shallowness and narcissism; be not distracted from the highest calling of your true self, but connect fully with that inner voice which propels your will along the path of what you are meant to pursue in this life.
Verily, the soul is deep.
Verily, dive into its waters.

Tri-Polar Homeostasis

All rolled into one, the paradigms of yesterday become the evolved fresh perspective of a new present moment awareness. A cascading vision of truth shimmering upon the lake’s surface as the pristine water of the River Tao flows flawlessly along in the gentle current. Ease and precision without a big fuss. Nothing to see in such a sanctified location except perfection. So move along if the only reason you came was to trample upon pearls.

A Testament on the Human Spirit

I am thankful to all those who have walked the path before me and left lights on along the way.
The human species is designed by the Loving hand of God.
Creation is a constantly evolving miracle of The Lord.
Life itself is an unfolding of The Eternal Tao Process.
Verily, time is a river in flux.
Verily, space is as much within as it is without.
Many have said, ‘It is above as it is below.’; truly, this is quite so.
All is One at the Source.  While here on Earth we are split into dualistic dichotomy.