
Why Be a Food Farmer?

SONOMA COUNTY, NORTHERN CALIFORNIA — Many good reasons exist, other than merely earning money, to be a food farmer, though getting paid is an important benefit. Working outside in nature is good for the body and soul. Nature is a helpful, abundant teacher that can aid humans to develop humility and understand our appropriate roles on this miraculous Earth, rather than damage the environment.

Jay w/Greg Moffitt: Shamans, Demons & Hollywood

Greg Moffitt of Legalise Freedom invited me on to discuss the spiritual realm, the possibility of demons in relation to the fractured and traumatized psyche, ritual occultism and abuse, and the cryptocracy.  How far do the oligarchs take occultism?  Is it just a hoodwink, or are there really entities that can possess an individual?   Is David Rockefeller just a pragmatic atheist?  We take some interesting philosophical twists and turns here, outlining the rat

Boiler Room Debate: Jay Vs Bernard on Jihad and False Flags

Tonight’s Boiler Room featured Hesher, Spore, Branco Malic, Roman Bernard of Radix Journal and Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East. Inadvertently, Mr. Bernard and I ended up in a relatively heated exchange over the prevalence of false flags and the degree to which the “global Jihad” and so-called War on Terror are organized, provocateured and staged. Mr. Bernard seemed to think it was absurd that I posited false flags, arguing that I knew nothing. Judge for yourself who had the better argument.

Silence, Please

The worlds we inhabit are noisy places. The external environment, particularly cities, where over half the population now live, suffocates under a cacophony of competing sounds, from road and air traffic, to power tools, car alarms and neon lights: and, for most of us, the internal, mental space in which we live is equally chaotic and cluttered. Contradictory thought patterns rise up one after another, jostling for attention, demanding to be heard and acted upon. Conditioned, and therefore partial thoughts, move us away from the present – where exists peace – and into conflict.

Self Determination: What it is, What it isn’t

Mass resistance against police brutality in the US resurfaced after 18-year-old Michael Brown was murdered by the police in August of 2014. The sights of tanks and militarized police forces in response to the subsequent rebellions in Ferguson and St. Louis only blew air on the flames of injustice that were ignited when Michael Brown’s killer, officer Darren Wilson, was not indicted by the US judicial system. Since then, hundreds of Black Americans have been killed at the hands of the police.

What’s the Point in Any of It?

Does the purpose of our lives change with age; does the life of a thirty-something have more point to it, than, say, a fifty-year-old, a sixty-year-old; indeed is there any real ‘point’ to either, and how would we discover what it is?
To many of us ‘The Cow’ is the best pub in London. On a quiet balmy Wednesday in June, I met a fellow middle-aged man for a beer, a bite, and, much to my surprise, what turned out to be some searching existential chatter. What, my friend asked – after a beer or two – is the point to me: the purpose of my life, and by extension of others like me?