
NASA Public Affairs/Media Liaison Documents - Spy Culture

Just like most major government agencies, NASA has been involved in the entertainment industry for decades. For 2001: A Space Odyssey Stanley Kubrick hired several technical advisors including Frederick Ordway III, NASA astronaut Donald Slayton and the senior administrator of the Apollo project George Mueller. However, NASA did not found a formal Entertainment Liaison Office until 1997.

Jay w/Dr. Farrell: Secrets of Aether Physics

First, I know the sound quality is bad, this is my second or so interview from back in 2007. Lost on my old computer, a listener dug this up and sent it to me. New to the game at the time I was still experimenting but the information presented is excellent. Dr. Farrell and I discuss the hermetica. Neoplatonic conceptions of the aether, his Secrets of the Unified Field, hidden metaphysics, information theory, the topological metaphor and much more.
His site and work can be found here.

The Chaos Grid (Pt. I)

The Soul of the East
Natalya Irtenina is a Russian science-fiction writer of traditional Orthodox worldview. This is the first half of her essay “Tradition and Fleeting Senses of Being,” as translated by Mark Hackard.

Can there be contexts that are completely free from Tradition? Even anti-tradition in the everyday meaning of this word is traditional since it also finds its beginnings in the Garden of Eden…


(Half) Republic Bk. VI: The Noetic Light of the Intelligible Sun

In Book VI of the Republic we begin to discover the deeper metaphysics of Plato, where geometry and mathematics provide the means by which the truth of the higher realms can be seen by analogy.  Socrates engages in a bitter critique of the sophists and their pseudo-philosophy of crowd-pleasing and beastly, herd-like nonsense, lacking any real philosophical education.  Rather, the true philosopher is spoken of as grasping the Noetic Light of the Good, the true Sun of the Intelligible realm.

Jay w/Afternoon Commute: OJ’s Magical Mars Moon Juice

John and Chris of The Afternoon Commute join Jay Dyer on an exploration into recent “events”; The San Bernardino Shooting and the recent Paris attacks. Weaponized Immigration as a control strategy, Media manipulation and coordination, Predictive Programming, O.J and Capricorn One, Reality TV, Scare Mongering, The Government’s monopoly on violence, Fear and Statist control. The controlled narrative.

The Shaping of American Character

Have you ever thought that who you are as a person is determined in part by the government you live under? Political philosophers have been considering such a possibility going all the way back to the early Greeks. Government shapes us either by engaging and empowering us through participation or by assuming all power unto itself and leaving us to go our separate ways alone and isolated.

Disinfowars 28 – Is Jacob Appelbaum for Real? - Spy Culture

Jacob Appelbaum is a journalist, hacker and a major developer on the TOR project. However, he neglects to mention the origins of TOR (the Office of Naval Research) or the Pentagon's role in funding its development. In this episode I reflect on whether Appelbaum should be taken seriously as an advocate for an open society free from mass surveillance.

Israel’s Occupation Is Morally Indefensible

I have long maintained that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank defies the moral principle behind the creation of the state. Contrary to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s assertion, the occupation erodes rather than buttresses Israel’s national security and cannot be justified on either security or moral grounds. Unless Israel embraces a new moral path, no one can prevent it from unravelling from within only to become a pariah state that has lost its soul, wantonly abandoning the cherished dreams of its founding fathers.