
Jay Dyer’s Esoteric Hollywood: Occult Meaning of Twin Peaks

Based on multiple viewings of all things Twin Peaks, including Fire Walk with Me and critical secondary works, I piece together an occult tapestry woven together in the popular cult series, soon to return to Showtime from Lynch and Frost. Unlike any other analysis, mine takes you deep down the synchronicity rabbit hole to the dark side of Laura Palmer’s murder and its symbolic meaning.

Jay Dyer’s Esoteric Hollywood: Hidden Meaning of Hunger Games

In this episode, I deconstruct the hidden meaning behind the multi-billion dollar franchise, The Hunger Games.  From Agenda 21 and the United Nations, to gladiatorial human sacrifice, the dystopian pheonomenon of The Hunger Games and girlpower heroine Katniss signify more than is apparent on the surface,  If you like this analysis, subscribe for 4.95 for my philosophy courses at the PayPal link and check out my book below, now available for order at Amazon:

Esoteric Hollywood: Jamie Hanshaw on Trauma Based Hollywood Control

In this episode of Esoteric Hollywood Jamie Hanshaw joins me to discuss four bizarre films that all happened to tie together: Crimson Peak, Maps to the Stars, The Fall and Society. From elite Satanism to predatory cannibalism, this sicko episode is not for the faint of heart.
If you like this analysis, pre-order my book Esoteric Hollywood by clicking this image!

Esoteric Hollywood: Truman Show & Groundhog Day Deciphered

In this episode, I decipher the philosophical and sometime esoteric underpinnings to two popular 90s films, Groundhog Day and The Truman Show. Surprising perhaps to some, both films exhibit a great deal of philosophical depth and forethought. Curious ethical and metaphysical questions are raised in both, and with The Truman Show in particular.

Disinfowars 29 – Marxism in the Truth Movement - Spy Culture

Marxism usually gets a bad rap in the Truth Movement, but the two share a lot of key ideas. This week I explore the schizoid relationship the Truth Movement (or sections of it) have with Marxism, looking at how the notion of 'waking up' functions in much the same way as 'class consciousness', how both Marxists and conspiracists predict the inevitable self-destruction of the economic system, and the downright bizarre confusion over Marxism's approach to central banking.

Reflections on Motivation and Meaning

This essay comes from my attempt to understand the stress I sometimes feel when I am with family. How does the individual come to know himself and what he truly wants?
My idea is that each individual, in his early, formative years, develops a deep, central set of desires for his life. This “core of needs” is the foundation on which the individual builds his self-image (inward projection of self) and personality (outward projection of self), and is the source of his motivation, explaining his behaviour.

Empathic Reciprocity, Global Citizenship, and Human Rights

Have you noticed that, when it comes to venturing into questions of “right” and “wrong,” recent U.S. presidents lapse awkwardly and uncomfortably into a kindergarten-level of discourse? Obama: “We tortured some folks… that was wrong”–but then, after all, the torturer-criminals were doing a “tough job” and had “good” intentions! Obama often hastily drops such moral considerations, a realm of discourse and reasoning in which he is plainly uncomfortable and noticeably vague.