
(Half) JaysAnalysis Republic Bk. 8: The Pythagorean City

In this half talk for free, I detail the 8th book of Plato’s Republic where Socrates describes the degeneration of the ideal city into oligarchy, democracy and chaos. Included in book 8 is the esoteric doctrine of the Pythagorean number of man, based in the cosmology of the Timaeus.  Included is an explanation of the metallurgical analogy and the relation to Homer and Achilles’ Shield (in the full talk for paid subscribers).

Nonpartisan Media Power

Alternative media site or account A endorses politician X’s campaign. Is this really a productive thing to do under any circumstances, for those wishing to challenge the “mainstream” narratives in the media?
Much of the alternative media on the web today consists of independent bloggers who are tired of the “mainstream” and want to fight back against it all. A particular nuisance to many people is the tendency of some papers and broadcasters to demonize.

Educating because Our Lives and Futures Are in the Balance

Yes. I think that what is more important in Mexico is education. It’s for the children to be able to go to school. Of course, hunger is also a very big problem. But the one that really, really, really for me is very painful is education. And there’s very little money spent on education, on good teachers, on schools, on even rooms where children can go and work. And I think this is the worst problem in Mexico that has to be taken care of. And it has not been taken care of. I remember when I came to Mexico as a little girl, I loved my teacher, La Seño Velázquez.

Jay on Afternoon Commute: Alchemical Dystopian Transhumanism

“John and myself (Chris) join Afternoon Commute repeat guest, Jay Dyer, for an excellent discussion on H.G. Wells Time Machine and Scientism Propaganda, Space Brothers, Darwinism, Materialism, Future Utopian Ideals of the Ruling Elite, Trangenderism and Transhumanism, Freemasonry, Architecture, I (Chris) delve into a rant about Darwinism, Materialism and The Multiverse.”

The End of the Enlightenment: A Fable for Our Times

Literary scholar and critic Walter Benjamin said that for human social progress to occur it was necessary to “dissolve myth into the space of history” but he was wrong. From the vantage point of the early 21st century, myth is back, and badder than ever. It is the ultimate Ghost in the Machine of the Scientific Revolution. And I’m going to suggest that not only will we not rid ourselves of the mythic worldview in any conceivable social formation that might actually be thought of as progress, but that it has been a great mistake even to try.

To Be a Leaver or Not, that is Never the Question!

There’s a real sense that we are past staying this mono-cultural collapse, and a book that came out 20 years ago, enlightens now more than ever, with the multiple forces of environmental, economic and societal collapses occurring under the weight of an elite and the barbarity of capitalism and extreme ecosystems and social systems exploitation.

JaysAnalysis: Mystical Meaning of the Allegory of the Cave (Half)

In this half talk, we come to the most important image in the history of western thought and philosophy, the allegory of the cave and the Platonic epistemology and metaphysic. Exemplifying in lucid terms exactly what Plato/Socrates thought about gnosis and statecraft, my talk demystifies and debunks the common misappropriation and misuse of this allegory.