
Review: A Very Heavy Agenda - Spy Culture

Robbie Martin's A Very Heavy Agenda is a powerful series of documentary films that chart the rise of neo-conservatism and its ever-changing impact on US and global affairs. From the Kagans to the Kristols, from the anthrax attacks to Hilary Clinton, this is an epic journey into the dark heart of American media and politics. It is an exceptional documentary that is truly not to be missed.(Read more...)

The CIA & Hollywood – The Men Who Stare at Goats: Jay w/Tom Secker, Pearse Redmond

From Tom Secker’s site, (and by extension, Pearse’s site Porkin’s Policy Review): “Jay Dyer joins us for this episode where we analyse the 2009 comedy The Men Who Stare at Goats, loosely based on Jon Ronson’s book of the same name.  It tells the story of a journalist who is inducted into the world of psychic soldiers during the Iraq war.  The movie goes on to explain some of the history behind the First Earth Battalion, an experimental Pentagon uni

Jay on Tragedy & Hope 3: Stalin, Hitler, Illuminism & the Occult Empire (Half)

Lecture 3 of my series on the entirety of Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope takes us into the period of the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of Stalinism, as well as the rise of Hitler and the Nazis. In this talk, I cover Quigley’s thesis, as well as my own insights about the occult dimensions of these buildups (he leaves out), and the role of the Illuminists.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: The Truman Show is Our Reality

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
In this episode, I decipher the philosophical and sometime esoteric underpinnings to two popular 90s films, Groundhog Day and The Truman Show. Surprising perhaps to some, both films exhibit a great deal of philosophical depth and forethought. Curious ethical and metaphysical questions are raised in both, and with The Truman Show, in particular.

Men of a Contrary Character

Confucius is credited with saying “When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.”  Likely much was lost in translation, given the language difference and passage of 2500 years, but I think I catch the drift.  For those of us who find ourselves constantly at odds with a vast majority of our contrary neighbors, it follows that our lives should be a never-ending series of self-examinations.  Maybe I don’t do so often enough.  In truth, it would be more accurate to say almost never.

Deep State Actors in the Orlando Event: Jay w/Afternoon Commute

John and Myself (Chris) delve into another stellar discussion with preeminent researcher, Jay Dyer. Topics include: The Orlando Gay Nightclub Shooting, Psychological Operations, Christina Grimme Murder, Manufactured Terror, The East West Dialectic, Top Secret America, Weaponized Culture, The Gay Agenda, Crisis Actors, Fletcher Prouty’s “Secret Team”, Stagecraft, Perception Management, Limited Hangouts, CIA Chefs, The Rachael Ray Show, Unrealistic Kill Rates, Action Films, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and The Great Manipulator.

Jay Dyer w/Sofia Smallstorm: Occult Metaphysics of Underground Bases (Half)

This is the first free half of a 2 hour interview which can be obtained by subscribing to for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year at the PayPal link at my site. Sofia Smallstorm joins me to discuss her work, radiation and human bio-engineering, the Manhattan Project, geoengineering, the recent ceremony celebrating the Alps Tunnel, CERN and the occult metaphysics of the Underworld: The elite obsession with Hades.
Sofia’s site is here.