
ClandesTime 089 – Conspiracy Theories: The Moon Landings - Spy Culture

I don't believe any of the alternative theories about the moon landings but this week I thought it would be fun to explore some of the arguments around these seminal events. We begin by looking at some of the arguments people have made in support of the conspiracy theories and the questions they overlook and evidence they do not have.

The Origins and the Mechanics of the Theory of Conceptual-Commodity-Value-Management

The theory of conceptual-commodity-value-management is the theory that prices, values and wages are based on what an individual, an entity and/or an enterprising alliance can get away with. That is, the arbitrary price, value and wage that these controlling individuals, entities and/or enterprising alliances are able to command and realize on the open market through various network exclusionary and collusionary practices.

The Final Presidential Debate Live: Trump vs Hillary – Jay Dyer on Red Ice

Join Red Ice and special guests for live commentary during the final presidential debate between Trump and Hillary, along with post debate analysis. This is last night’s full commentary stream.
Guests include Jay Dyer, Angelo John Gage, James Edwards, Janet Bloomfield (aka JudgyBitch), Jazzhands McFeels & Catalyst.

ClandesTime 087 – Rorschach Politics and the US Election - Spy Culture

This has been a presidential election campaign like no other, where both sides are cynically exploiting identity politics and the loathsome nature of their opponent to try to seize political capital. In this episode I try to offer a new take on the election and outline a concept I'm calling 'Rorschach politics' where the candidates are little more than ink blots onto which their supporters project their desires and dreams.

The Social Construction of Value, Price and Wages

Within post-industrial post-modern bourgeois-state-capitalism, value is no longer based on labor and/or on labor theories of value such as Marx’s theory. In fact, all post-industrial post-modern societies to various degrees have shed their modern labor theories of value and surplus-value; i.e., theories where labor-time and cost of production are the basis of price and value determinations.