
Black Mirror SJWs, Manosphere Woes, Eyes Wide Shut Elites & Hollywood Illuminati – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Tonight on the show the Boiler gang is back, despite technical issues, discussing the case of a young person who believes she has two personalities, two genders and has to choose between them each day upon waking up, the fracturing of the human psyche as a trauma based mind control tactic, Jerry Seinfield at ‘Anti-Terror Fantasy Camp’ in Israel with his family, a scathing review of Netflix’s latest shows and the social messages contained within, a discussion on the often mischaracterized and highly criticized ‘man-o-sphere’ and mens rights advocates, Black Mirror and contemporary future dys

Incarnation of the Logos – St. Athanasius (Partial Lecture)

Functioning as a perfect introduction to Orthodoxy, in this talk we will cover St. Athanasius’ famous work, On the Incarnation, which lays out the basics of Orthodoxy. From theosis to balanced Triadology, the Incarnation and Resurrection are the pillar doctrines of our faith and function as a golden chain based around the correct doctrine of the Trinity and Christology. Full lectures are available at JaysAnalysis by PayPal.
Audio Here

Islam, Weaponized Migration & Western Civilization

The degenerate, sterile West is falling to Islam by design. The globalist plan, as mentioned by many of their top “leftists” like Bertrand Russell, has been to depopulate and alter the demographics drastically in order to bring about a genuinely technocratic global world order. Far from the problem of the West being “idiot” liberals and moron SJWs, the real strategists are anything but, and know good and well liberalism and Islam are both tools on the global chessboard.

Western Civilization VS Sh%$tholes – Race & How to Save the West – Jay Dyer

The mainstream hypocrites are in an uproar because Trump referred to some countries as sh&%holes, while simultaneously they call “fly over country” and the south even worse. In this video I castigate the Alt Media and Alt Right for not offering anything beyond biological determinism, which has built NO civilization. Civlizations are built on theology, philosophy, race and/or ethnos, as well as other aspects of culture, like language.

World’s Greatest Philosopher & Logician Refuted & Made Foolish – Jay Dyer (Partial)

Hailed by the establishment for decades as the “greatest modern philosopher in the world” and as the “greatest logician,” we see how paper-thin and easily refuted the theses of Bertrand Russell are. 20 years later Russell penned his “Nobel winning” book Impact of Science on Society that was a rehash of everything in The Scientific Outlook.