
Symbolism & Mystical Typology of Exodus Pt. 2 – Jay Dyer (Half)

Picking back up in Exodus, we investigate the typology and symbolism of Exodus, which points directly to the coming of the Messiah in the figure of Christ. Dreaded by all liberals and modernists, the Torah is absolutely the inspired and inerrant the Law and Word of God.
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Herd-Mediocrity and The Meta-Narrative of Bourgeois-Capitalism

The Enlightenment meta-narrative of bourgeois-capitalism is committed to mediocrity. In fact, the Enlightenment meta-narrative of bourgeois-capitalism celebrates it. Everywhere the meta-narrative of bourgeois-capitalism reigns supreme, mediocrity follows, due to the fact mediocrity is the order and the criterion of any type of hierarchy founded on the Enlightenment meta-narrative of bourgeois-capitalism.