
The Essence-Energy Distinction, St. Gregory Palamas & The Triads – Jay Dyer Live 9PM EST Sunday (Half)

Stream rescheduled due to technical issues: Sunday night, 9PM EST
A review of the debate with Dr. Feingold and a talk on the Triads of St. Gregory Palamas and aspects of other fathers and dogma on God’s nature. The second half of the talk will be available for paid subscribers to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links at for 4.95 a month or 60.00 a year.

Debating Thomism & Roman Catholic Absolute Simplicity: Jay Dyer Vs. Dr. Francis Feingold

The debate will be 2PM EST
Dr. Feingold is Assistant Professor Of Philosophy at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University, with a specialty in medieval philosophy (esp. Aquinas), metaphysics (esp. philosophy of God), ethics (esp. moral psychology). Areas of competence: Ancient philosophy, modern philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, and free will. We will be debating whether the Thomistic and Roman Dogma of absolute divine simplicity is true.

Deconstructing Julia Kristeva and the Communist Spy Allegations

Julia Kristeva is one of the 20th century’s most famous female intellectuals who has won numerous gongs and awards for her contributions to linguistics, philosophy, psychoanalytics and semiotics.  She was part of the top-level French philosophical clique that included Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida.  She was also, it is alleged, a spy for the Bulgarian […](Read more...)

Microchipping the Masses! The Beast System! Jay Dyer & Dana Ashlie

Dana Ashlie invited me on her channel to discuss the rise of technocracy as the central goal of the entire global government. All aspects of the agenda can be grouped under this: complete, managerial technocratic control.
Her channel is here:
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Cannibalism and Cloned Meat: Why is the Establishment Promoting Total Degeneracy? – Jay Dyer

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACR Tonight the Social Reject Club is hashing out some Second Amendment political Jackassery, Dawkin’s ‘taboos of cannibalism’, a Rabbi’s claim that Pork is Kosher (as long as its cloned), Gremlins 2 as a metaphor for monopolistic globoculture (what could possibly go wrong?!), The Omega Man, Soylent Green gone main stream, Denis Rodman, Trump and the North Korean summit with Kim Jong-un.