
ClandesTime 151 – Rules of Engagement

The military legal drama Rules of Engagement is perhaps the greatest modern example of racist, warmongering propaganda. Unsurprisingly, it benefited from full Pentagon support, in exchange for numerous script changes. The film was eerily prescient, foreshadowing two terrorist attacks in Yemen, and in some ways the entire post-9/11 war on terror. In this episode I […](Read more...)

Trump, Cohen, Facebook Collusion, Russia “Hack” (Leak) – Boiler Room Live Stream – Jay Dyer

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACR
Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Fvnk$oul, Infidel Pharaoh and Max bring the media maniac round table discussion to the increasingly volatile internet conversation on political correctness, social media, censorship, la resistance, Trump, Fake News, Russia, the petro-dollar paradigm, sanctions, Cohen vs. Trump, Bennan decredentialed from clearance and the woes of San Francisco’s Brown Town life.

ClandesTime 150 – The Weather Underground

The Weather Underground were the most active and successful militant left-wing group in US history. As part of their anti-Vietnam war operations they bombed the Pentagon, the State Department, corporate headquarters and other high-profile targets. In this episode I examine whether they were a lethal terrorist organisation, or a non-lethal militant anti-war gang. I look […](Read more...)