
Mandy (2018) – Nic Cage Film – Symbolism Analysis – Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer covers the esoteric and humorous elements in Nic Cage’s wild new film, Mandy. Mandy is a mish mash of Hellraiser, Heavy Metal, Twin Peaks, Evil Dead and more – on acid! Jay gives two possible readings of the film, including a Luciferian ‘dark hero’ narrative, or a Christological harrowing of Hades analysis. Spoilers ahead – beware.

Roman Catholic Absolute Divine Simplicity Refuted – Jay Dyer

If you like this analysis, purchase signed copies of my book in the shop!
“When God was conversing with Moses, He did not say, “I am the essence”, but “I am the One Who is.” Thus it is not the One Who is who derives from the essence, but essence which derives from Him, for it is He who contains all being in Himself.” -St. Gregory Palamas, Triads in Defense of the Holy Hesychasts, III.ii.12
By: Jay Dyer

Priorities of the Time: Peace

For as long as anyone can remember violence and conflict have been part of daily life: humanity appears incapable of living peacefully together. There are the brutal cries of war, the vile acts of terror, homicides, rapes and assaults of all kinds. People everywhere long for an end to such conflicts, and are crying out for peace and understanding, to live in a just world free from fear.

Mac and Me (1988) – 10 Amazing Facts About the McDonald’s Movie

Is Mac & Me corporate McMarxist propaganda? Is is a commentary on the mundane suburban household being invaded by a corporate subversion force? It is an esoteric treatise against Coca-Cola oil companies that sap our vital dinosaur juice from Mother Earth? We’ll see, and on top of that, at the end the Angry Boomer will make a special appearance to give a special food review of a 4 piece Nuggie Happy Meal with ‘Milk jug.”

Antichrist Spirit – Apocalypse – American Horror Story 8

Oriignally, I stopped at season 1 of American Horror Story, but the show took a decidedly Antichrist and occult bent more recently, illustrating the summation of all the seasons into a single hidden narrative about the birth and coming of the Antichrist. Since this relates to films and shows we’ve done before, as well as to chapters in my books, I have decided to cover the first episode of the new season.

Weather Control, Chemtrails & HAARP, Weaponized Anthropology & Gaseous Globules

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACR
This week the Social Rejects Club continues the discussion of deplatforming, brigading and selective enforcement of arbitrary, amorphous terms of service for political purposes. Weather modification, HAARP, climate change, the Syrian war, Google’s corporate reaction meeting to the election of a populist Republican President in 2016 and much more.