
Lost Name of God? The Divine Names of St Dionysius Areopagite – Jay Dyer (Partial)

The writings of St Dionysius the Areopagite are some of the most famous and controversial in the history of theology and philosophy. However, most forget to dissect the actual text itself, being caught up in the debates about authenticity. In this talk we look at the treatise titled The Divine Names and uncover how it’s possible to speak of God, what is apophatic theology, how did St Dionysius speak of logoi, the energies of God in Dionysius and much more! Full talks are available by subscribing at the purchase membership page.

From Deconstruction To Demolition

If anarchism and post-modernism are synonymous, then, the primary reason the post-modern age has not fully come to pass as of yet is because post-modernism has been divorced from its motor force, anarchism. Therefore, post-modernism has been sabotaged; it has been detached from its locomotive centrifuge, deep within its theoretical apparatus and critical techniques, namely, anarchism.

Tragedy & Hope Lecture Series – 8 Free Halves – Globalist Books Series

We conclude the Tragedy & Hope lectures with the timely election of Donald Trump which eerily parallels the Goldwater era. The first half of the talk discusses the race and what Trump symbolizes, while the second half for subscribers closes out the final chapters of Dr. Quigley’s monumental tome.  To obtain the full talks and lectures, subscribe above in the purchase membership section. 
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