
National Treasure Save America Con Air Election Stream – Jay Dyer Live

Nic Cage possesses me at will to cover the 2018 election and bring to attention the reality that is the only way to save America – decoding the mysteries of Nic Cage and National Treasure (as well as Con Air). This will be a stream for the record books – so bring your bunny and “I’m gonna show you God exists.”

The Difference Between Right and Leftwing Memes

In the latest edition of ON THE QT at 21WIRE.TV, host Patrick Henningsen and guest Jay Dyer explored the cultural phenomenon of the viral internet meme, specifically looking at the popular NPC and Pepe meme.
The following presentation explores the phenomenon in a more former academic framework, in this piece entitled, On Memetic Warfare and Coded Political Language.

INTERVIEW: GQ Magazine’s Vain Attempt to Frame Jordan Peterson

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, and a clinical psychologist and author of the multi-million copy bestseller 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, #1 for nonfiction in 2018  in the US and worldwide. Recently, the progressive establishment deployed one of its top media operatives who tries to bracket Peterson with the extreme right-wing and other political pariahs. The results were stunning.

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick Refuted – Jay Dyer Live

Fr Damick has posted a giant, rambling and confused response to me that is hilariously bad. In this stream I will respond to every one of his objections and show how his deflections are nonsense to the non-existent audience I don’t have. Since it is all public and includes false claims I will respond publicly: He includes a host of lies in an attempt to white knight for the radical politically active left women that Ancient Faith Radio has promoted the last couple years.

Operation Mind Control – The CIA’s MK ULTRA Project Analysis – Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight we cover the first half of Walter Bowart’s classic book, Operation Mind Control. We will discuss cryptocracy, the usage of hallucinogens and other chemical means of subversion, the hypnotic courier, keywords, Candy Jones, Cold War dialectics, and how this morphs into the technocratic model of transhumanism. The full talk is for JaysAnalysis subscribers, which can be obtained at the purchase membership link. 


The Thing, Prince of Darkness & Mouth of Madness: Carpenter’s Apocalypse Trilogy Wed 5Pm EST

I’ve wanted to cover the Apocalypse trilogy for a long time now, three classics from legendary director John Carpenter. The Thing has a Cold War setting, while Prince of Darkness appears to predict the arrival of the era of Antichrist. In the Mouth of Madness is a meta=level fourth wall-breaking narrative about the Antichrist’s rule, with Hades coming through the portal. Other esoteric elements also come to the fore, as well shall see…Wednesday evening at 5PM EST!