
Toussaint L’Ouverture, the Genius Who Embodied the Enlightenment

Enslavement by the Enlightened in Revolutionary Times
In 1789, the year of the French Revolution, Saint Domingue, now Haiti, was the world’s richest colony. The source of this wealth was the exploitation of half a million black slaves who furnished the labor for the sugar, indigo, cotton, cocoa, coffee, and tobacco extracted from over 2,000 plantations.

Top 5 Nicolas Cage Films – Jay Dyer – 30k Chad Nerd Esoteric Hollywood 2 Party!

The 30k Nic Cage esoteric movie analysis kicks off. Esoter-Nic Cage Stream! Thanks for subscribing all you chad nerds. Today we will inflict CAGESTREAM MADNESS – CAGE RAGE OR CRAGE IN FULL EFFECT. Our Cage obsession begins with a recap of National Treasures (Nic himself being the real treasure), Wicker Man, The Knowing, 8MM, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Face Off, Drive Angry, and Ghost Rider. Wild At Heart is definitely esoteric, but we’ll save it for a separate Lynch stream. Live at 3:30PM CST! 


Reinventing Marxism for Our Times

Karl Marx (1818-1883) was one of the most prescient philosophers, whose influence is felt even today. It could be said about him that he is read wherever printed literature or optical fiber has reached. But what does Marx mean to us today? How do we interpret Marx for our changed times? I remember that by 2005-2006, most people would mockingly remind me that Marx had become outdated and therefore his proper place was his London cemetery. But then, out of the blue came the 2008-2012 economic meltdown.

Subscriber Podcast #26 – What Connects Star Wars, Manchester United and Brexit?

In this month's subscriber-only podcast I discuss the links between the sacking of the manager of Manchester United, why there isn't a new Star Wars film out this Christmas, and the macroeconomics of Brexit. I examine all three in the context of a failing economic system, recounting the history and economics of the UK's relationship with the EU, and complain about how some of the world's great entertainment franchises are run by total incompetents.

History Is Written By The Winners

Who gets to write the history textbooks? Where do the history teachers learn about history? What documents are allowed into the historical record, and what documents are excluded? These are not merely academic questions, they go right to the heart of the question of history itself. Join James Corbett for today’s edition of The Corbett Report and an in-depth exploration of the formation of the historical record about World War One.