
Eyes Wide Shut 30 Years BEFORE? Eye of the Devil Analysis – Jay Dyer

30 years before Stanley Kubrick made the highly revelatory film Eyes Wide Shut, another film had shown a similar dark side to the elite: Eye of the Devil, starring none other than Sharon Tate, then wife of Roman Polanski. Given her other roles and Polanki’s other films (Polanski did not direct Eye of the Devil), we see yet another window into the dark side of the elite, their worship of bloodlines and the connections between Hollywood and medieval gnostic sects. Be sure and share, click like and subscribe!

Bird Box, Vegan Millennial Diets & The Hidden Story of Blade Runner – Jay & Primal Edge

Jay and Tristan return to cover the announcement that 2019 is the year of the vegan diet in the Economist, the Guardian and many other publications. We discuss previous debates with Vegan Gains, atheism and relativism and the impact on millennials. From there we dive into movies and pop culture, looking at Blade Runner, PKD, Bird Box, Under the Silver Lake, social engineering, and the rise of the AI smart city though Jacques Attali.

Daniel Predicts the Time of Christ (Half)

Many requested a companion talk to the Daniel article. Here, we investigate how we have a unique philosophy of history and how evangelicalism is incorrect. Many prophetic texts are already fulfilled and specifically referred to the time of the First Advent of Christ and the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. In the second hour we discuss the specifics of Daniel and how he predicts Christmas!

Jordan Peterson, Origen, Darwin & Absolute Simplicity – Traditional Philosophy Ep 4 – Jay Dyer (Half)


Today we will continue to cover divine simplicity in the Roman view, the Orthodox view, the meanings of our terms, the revealed doctrines, the patristic usages, the essence – energy distinction, St John of Damascus but with a focus on St Sophronius, and the 6th council’s condemnations of Origenism on multiple grounds from St Sophronius’ confession, accepted at the 6th council. We will compare this to Origen’s doctrine of evil based on dialectics and how Peterson accepts this view and how this leads him to gnosticism and how it ties to evolutionary theory.


Defense of Traditional Philosophy Ep 3 – Absolute Simplicity, Essence – Energy & the 6th Council

Today we will cover divine simplicity in the Roman view, the Orthodox view, the meanings of our terms, the revealed doctrines, the patristic usages, the essence – energy distinction, St John of Damascus, St Gregory of Nyssa Against Eunomius, St Maximos, St Sophronius, and much more!  Live at 3PM EST!

The Matrix Trilogy – Symbolism Analysis – Esoteric Hollywood 2 – Jay Dyer

In this live stream we will cover Esoteric Hollywood 2, the many more films I cover in the sequel, and in particular the Matrix trilogy in-depth, the symbols used, the managed dialectics of Cold War cinema, the mafia in films, Polanski’s 9th Gate, Twin Peaks, Goonies, Time Bandits, MK ULTRA and mind control in film, Neon Demon, Dune, Signs, and then Terminator, Ex Machina, Cherry 2000 and Metropolis. Live at 5PM EST!