
Groundhog Day & Truman Show Deciphered – Jay Dyer

In this episode, I decipher the philosophical and sometime esoteric underpinnings to two popular 90s films, Groundhog Day and The Truman Show. Surprising perhaps to some, both films exhibit a great deal of philosophical depth and forethought. Curious ethical and metaphysical questions are raised in both, and with The Truman Show in particular.

Why Does the Father of Mass Vaccinations Jonas Salk Want to Kill Everyone? (Partial)

Full talk and analysis of Salk’s book The Survival of the Wisest, 1972, is available at by subscription at the PayPal links. The father of mass inoculations suspiciously also wants to engineer death and mass depopulation through various means, including mass cancer and RNA manipulation. Salk describes his Darwinism as a death cult.

Biblical Symbolism, Allegory & Mystagogy – St. Maximos – Jay Dyer

Today we cover the lesser known work of St. Maximos the Confessor, the Mystagogy, which delves into the symbolism found in the churches, the liturgy and the Bible. It also sets St. Maximos’ means and methods of interpretation off against natural theology and natural law. Revelation is necessary for interpreting the natural world.


Annihilation (2018) Fully Decoded – Jay Dyer

The 2018 film by Alex Garland bears remarkable similarity to his previous film Sunshine from a decade ago, where a team of scientists attempts to re-ignite the sun. Here, a team of scientists and specialists investigates a mysterious “shimmer” that has appeared near a state park where previous teams have disappeared. The film has generated much speculation, with comparisons to Kubrick: I will take you deep into the film’s symbolism and mythological context.