
Solutions: Open Science

In the face of the crisis of science, it is easy to throw our hands up and watch as the old guard of the scientific establishment circles the wagons and goes back to business as usual. But there are real solutions to these problems, and we all—scientists and non-scientists alike—have a part to play in implementing them. Today on The Corbett Report we explore Solutions: Open Science.

Achieving Escape Velocity

I grew up with the idea that leaving Earth was inevitable. The Space Age had arrived and the sky was no limit. Per ardua ad astra was no longer a metaphor; it would happen, it was happening. Invisible radiation traveled through the air every afternoon to bring me indelible images of humans in space, benignly, bravely venturing out into the numinous beauty of the galaxy strung with stars, enticingly intercalated with exotic life.

Episode 354 – Solutions: Open Science

[audio mp3=""][/audio]In the face of the crisis of science, it is easy to throw our hands up and watch as the old guard of the scientific establishment circles the wagons and goes back to business as usual. But there are real solutions to these problems, and we all—scientists and non-scientists alike—have a part to play in implementing them. Today on The Corbett Report we explore Solutions: Open Science.


The Blade Runner sequel fully vindicates my analysis of the original Blade Runner. In this video I cover the main themes and messages as well as the many Edenic and biblical references. In the sequel, the biblical narratives of Rachael, Moses, the Serpent and the Christ are reversed or inverted to a blatantly revolutionary illuminist narrative.

Captain Marvel & Disney Are Hiding This…

#disney #captainmarvel #eyeswideshut
The Forbidden Zone News invited me on to discuss the subject of my books and how Hollywood has hidden its secrets behind its methods of mass control. Hollywood has always been a propaganda engine, but what about the deep mysteries of the esoteric? What about Britney and her handlers? What about Plato? What about Eyes Wide Shut and Kubrick? You can purchase signed copies of my book and sign up for my talks below.


The Surrealism of the Information War

The flow of knowledge and information is commonly considered the main vector of humanity’s progress through history. One would think that in our era, which is rightly called the time of the information super-highway, the sheer mass of information available to all humans, anywhere at any given time, would have exponentially increased our understanding of our world and each other. This is, however, not the case.