
P H I L O S O P H Y – Q n A – Jay Dyer

Multiple people have requested a philosophy Q n A so I am offering an open forum, with superchat discussion welcomed. Transcendental arguments, Pre-Socratics, Stoics, sophists, Aristotle, Plato, church fathers, Logos, logoi, St. Augustine, Neo-platonism, Origen, Medieval philosophy, up to enlightenment and modern era of continental and analytical traditions.


Assange Arrested! Why I Was Wrong About Julian

#julianassange #arrest #leak In this video I give my assessment of the Assange case and why his arrest signals more than just the death of journalism and the fourth estate in the post-post-modern era. I note how Wikileaks itself was somewhat dubious, while Assange was sincere in his approach to journalism. The screen glitch is a YT wide error, it’s not my issue.

Debating Gnosticism & Time Bandits! Jay Dyer + Aeon Byte

#hollywood #matrix #gnostic
Behind the machine and media that is Tinsel Town lie dark forces that seek to manipulate, politicize, and even enslave the human psyche. Some of these forces may be spiritual. We take a deep dive into the hidden symbolism and agendas of Hollywood – often manifesting in beloved, seemingly innocuous films and television shows.  Aeon Byte Radio


A World Divided by Ideologies

Six-year-old Kate was playing with her younger brother, each had a Frisbee, which they threw as far as they could. After each round of throws Kate declared that she had ‘won’, having thrown the Frisbee further than her three-year-old sibling. She was the ‘winner’, and by extension, Richard was the loser. They were not playing together any longer, they were competing; Kate had been conditioned into the ideology of competition, presumably by school and her peers, perhaps her parents, and her brother, whether he likes it or not, would shortly join her.