
Jordan Peterson vs Zizek: The Disney Simulation We Live In – Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health

#Jordanpeterson #zizek #vegan
Tristan and Jay cover the latest news about the Vegan cult and radical activism. We analyze the Zizek/Peterson debate, the issue of fake food and social engineering through diet. This is not medical advice. Opinions of guests on this channel are not necessarily that of the owners. We choose to only affiliate with family owned and operated businesses. Primal Edge Health is here.

Needs finally explained

We need food, clothing, and shelter to secure our existence. It gives us the basic pleasure of living. People are also social beings. Joined in society, they improve their lives significantly and get more pleasure. The most substantial progress comes from the cooperation between free people which may bring the greatest power to satisfy their needs. It may also bring the highest level of personal satisfaction, harmony and love among the people. Cooperation among free people brings a bright future of humankind.

A Friend as Guidepost and Connector

It was impressive, the number of people this 66 year old fellow touched: a father figure, a friend, a guide, a mentor, a guidepost, a brother, and a giver.
The service was held in Portland Sat. 4/27 and hundreds showed up at the Quaker church. I was asked to say some things about the man, my friend, and I had already written a poem of dedication to him, but I had to let a more simple-and-unfolding-of-our-collective-emotions sort of poem lead me.

Jordan Peterson Vs Slavoj Zizek Debate – Who Won? Not Who You Think! Jay Dyer

#zizek #jordanpeterson #debate Many requested it, so here it is! I watched and took notes on the entire debate. It was fun and on the official debate scale of which I am a mater expert, I give the debate a 7 out of 10. As you can imagine, I have a unique take on this much-touted exchange that almost no one else has.