Philosophy & Abstract Thoughts

A Gift of Words

Edward Curtin “The most incomprehensible talk comes from people who have no other use for language than to make themselves understood.” Karl Kraus, Half-Truths & One-and-a-Half Truths Things, possessions, life on the installment plan or credit card. This is the season to buy, to accumulate more folderols, to give things to one’s children and each other, …

Our Authentically Fake and Hypocritical Society of Copies

Edward Curtin “Ditto,” said Tweedledum. “Ditto, ditto!” cried Tweedledee. Lewis Carroll, Through The Looking-Glass Sometimes a trifling contretemps can open a window onto significant issues. As a case in point, The New York Times, a newspaper that regularly publishes U.S. propaganda without a bit of shame or remorse, recently reported on a controversy involving Simon …

Self-Destructive Social Habits, Loneliness, and Propaganda

Edward Curtin “We are the hollow men We are the stuffed men Leaning together Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!” T.S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men” When many people share thoughts, speech, or conduct that is frequently repeated and becomes automatic, it is fair to call it a social habit. Such habits tend to become invisible and unspeakable. …

The Fear Not to Be

Edward Curtin This year marks the seventieth anniversary of the theologian Paul Tillich’s famous book, The Courage to Be. Widely read in the days when an educated public read books, it is long forgotten. In it, Tillich surveys the history of anxiety and fear and their relation to courage, religious faith, and the meaning of …