Philip Roth

Will Trump Actually Go To Prison?

  Most people say they would rather see Trump in prison that dead or in exile. Personally, I like the prison option too. There have, of course, been heads of state who have been executed, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette come to mind, as do Charles I of England, Mary Queen of Scots, Nicholas II of Russia, Mussolini, Patrice Lumumba of Congo, Nicolae Ceauşescu of Romania. Ion Antonescu pf Romania, Haile Selassie, Saddam Hussein, Vidkun Quisling of Norway.

Is Donald J Trump Nothing More Than Steve Bannon's And Robert Mercer's Plot Against America?

When push comes stop shove, McCain, Graham and Rubio won't be standing up to Trumpism. If you ever thought otherwise, you were delusional-- maybe more so in Rubio's case, but Republicans are going to be pushed a lot further before they join any kind of resistance. I hope they've all read Phil Roth's 2004 novel, The Plot Against America.