
This City is Home to the 1st Vegan-Certified Vertical Farm in the U.S.

If you’ve ever been to South Philadelphia, farming probably doesn’t leap into your mind. It’s kind of a rough place. But in a small warehouse, that side of the city is teeming with life, thanks to vertical farming.

#microgreens in our #state of the #art #vertical #farm #technology . #amazing #fresh #vegan #friendly
A photo posted by Metropolis Farms (@metropolisfarms) on Dec 10, 2015 at 8:44am PST

Not Dealing With Climate Change Is Now A Tenet Of The Republican Party Agenda

One of the uglier moments of Wednesday night's GOP debate-- chock full'o'ugly moments-- was when rabid climate-change denier Marco Rubio decided to make his presence known by making a tasteless joke about California's devastating drought. It took about three hours before the CNN moderators brought up climate change as a topic of discussion-- which must've lasted for less than five minutes-- and, predictably, Rubio was the first to jump in... to denigrate it entirely.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Philly Amtrak Disaster, America’s Pathetic Third World Infrastructure, Verizon/AOL Merger and Russia/USA Contretemps

Infrastructure. We look like a third world country. Our airports and rail stations look like a retro film. We can do better. Involve the Fed. Nationalize it. The problem with the Federal Reserve is that they see their role historically as saving failed banks – especially “zombie banks,’” bankrupt entities that just sit there busted and collapsed. They absorb government and Fed resources. They don’t provide investment, create jobs. Nada. To be competitive, to be conversant with a 21st century transportation platform, infrastructure investment is critical.

Philadelphia Mayor's Race-- Meet Jim Kenney

Yesterday, having forced Wall Street faux Democrat Rahm Emanuel into a runoff, progressives came up short-- although doing far better than pundits had predicted. Chuy Garcia raised $5.2 million, a substantial amount... but Rahm had over $30 million to spend, most of it from just a few super-wealthy families benefiting financially from his administration.

Can billionaire Wall Street brains outthink the rest of the NBA? Meet the 1-17 Philadelphia 76ers

At least the 76ers are easy to find down there at the bottom of the NBA Eastern Conference standings (from ESPN). If you're thinking they might look less dismal in the Western Conference, it's currently anchored by the Minnesota Timberwolves, who at 4-13 are 3½ games, er, better (for want of a better word).

American Crisis

Though Thomas Paine galvanized this country into being and gave it its very name, The United States of America, there is almost no trace of him here. In Philadelphia, where he spent his most significant years, there is a Thomas Paine Plaza, but it is barely marked as such, with no statue of the man. Instead, one finds a bronze likeness of Frank Rizzo, of all people, and a Jacques Lipchitz sculpture that Rizzo once compared to a dropped load of plaster.

Third annual Public Banking Institute conference to be held in Detroit

The Public Banking Institute has announced that its third annual conference will be held in Detroit in 2014. This follows on its conferences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and San Rafael, California. All three sites were chosen strategically, as Philadelphia was where the Constitutional Convention took place, it was the original seat of the U.S. government, and […]