Petro Poroshenko

Poroshenko’s Kerch Strait stunt aims at derailing Trump – Putin G20 meeting (Video)

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko warned of the threat of “full-scale war”, claiming that Russia had sharply increased its military presence on its border with Ukraine.
The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a quick look at Poroshenko’s claims of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, and how the recent Kerch Strait tensions will feed nicely into the neocon war agenda, derailing any rapprochement between Trump and Putin during the G20 summit.

The real reason behind Ukraine’s sudden martial law (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and International Affairs and Security Analyst via Moscow, Mark Sleboda take a look at the real reason behind Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko’s Kerch Strait provocation, and how it has less to do with conflict towards Russia and more to do with self preservation, as Ukraine’s ‘8% approval rating’ President.
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US reportedly paid $25 million for Patriarch Bartholomew to meddle in Ukraine

News broke a few days ago, on Nov 19th, and has spread across the Orthodox world, that the United States paid Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I some $25 million dollars to foment the disruption of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. James Jatras reported on this, and his report has been republished on RT and across several independent news websites.

Leader of Donetsk People’s Republic killed in explosion

RT and TASS reported on August 31 that the Aleksandr Zacharchenko, the leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, was killed in an explosion that took place in a cafe in Central Donetsk city. The explosion also injured several other top officials who were with him. RT continues in their report:
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