Peter Daou

Purity vs Pollution

Thinking Outside the Box by Nancy OhanianPeople living in Flint still don't have pure water to drink. In other words, the water is polluted. The aspiration of doing that-- making it potable and pure-- was just too costly, too idealistic... too much of that liberal purity for Michigan and Trump Regime conservatives to cope with. Is the water in your town pure? Towns with water no one should be drinking are listed below.

The Best Things Are The Most Difficult To Achieve And You Have To Work The Hardest-- Like A Bernie Presidency

The new CNN poll of likely Iowa Democratic caucus participants showing Bernie trouncing Hillary, sent Team Clinton off the deep end. Forget their insane claims that Bernie is an NRA shill and a woman hater. Now they''ve all been instructed to call him a racist. The last poll CNN poll had her leading 54-36% and now Bernie's ahead 51-43%.