Pete Buttigieg

Put Bernie Sanders' Face on those Joe Biden Photos, Then Imagine What Party Leaders Would Be Saying

Jon Stewart as Biden: "Hey girl, you seem tense. Is it the stress of me groping you for 28 straight seconds?" by Thomas NeuburgerAn interesting thing is happening around Joe Biden's #MeToo moment. Even though Al Franken was almost immediately rousted from the Senate by now-presidential candidate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and others for unwanted touching and kissing, handsy kissy Joe Biden is being held to a very different standard. Why?The Democratic Party Reaction to Joe Biden Let's start with Kirsten Gillibrand's reaction.

Candidate Pete Buttigieg: Israel’s Security Policy Offers “Important Lessons” for the US

WASHINGTON — Presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg, whose candidacy is currently being heavily promoted by corporate media, was one of the many 2020 contenders for the Democratic Party who declined to attend the recent annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in apparent response to calls from prominent “progressive” organizations to boycott the event and a growing shift among Democr

Is Mayor Pete Setting Off Alarm Bells For You Yet?

One thing Pete's got is the killer p.r. consultant, Lis Smith If you've never heard me railing about identity politics, you're probably just discovering DWT. If I were running for office I would tell people to vote for me because I support the Green New Deal, Medicare-For-All, a livable minimum wage, fair taxation, the re-institution of free state colleges and universities...

This Week's Most Important TV: "The Most Controversial Thing In American Politics At The Moment And You've Probably Heard About It"

"It's called the Green New Deal. It envisions a carbon-zero economy by the middle of the century and a transformation of the American economy and, indeed, society. Some people call it a socialist monster; some people call it our only hope for survival in the way of life we hold dear." That was how Chris Hayes introduced Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the youngest woman to ever represent a district in the United States Congress, at the beginning of their Bronx town hall on the Green New Deal Friday evening.