Pete Buttigieg

Will Medicare-for-All Be An Electoral Winner?

This morning, Business Insider reported that "Nearly half of all US health spending is tied to admin management and the cost burdens associated with private insurance are being passed along to US consumers, making treatment an unmanageable expense. Patients are coughing up large portions of their budget on health, with the average non-elderly US family spending $8,200 per year on healthcare — or 11% of their income." That's $817 billion a year completely and utterly wasted-- $

BERNIE vs BUTTIGIEG: Iowa Caucus Disaster Reveals Democrats’ Elite Digital Mafia

The Democrats really had a rough week. Trump’s impeachment acquittal rocked Capitol Hill, but the real blow to the Democratic Establishment came during the Iowa Caucuses primary contest – which quickly descended into electoral chaos after the party’s dodgy digital election App failed to record votes – part of a series of incidents which allowed centrist Pete Buttigieg to come from behind to challenge front-runner Bernie Sanders.

Revealed: Buttigieg’s Role in Cover-up of Racially-Motivated Purge of South Bend Black Police Chief

In a Democratic Party dominated by issues of racism and identity politics, this story has the potential to thwart Mayor Pete’s Cinderella story.
Ever since Pete Buttigieg announced As a candidate to become US President, he has been plagued with talk of being unpopular with black voters in America.

The Democratic Party Leadership Has Done the Impossible, Disgracing Itself!

Bernie Sanders declares victory on Thursday in chaotic (and perhaps unsuccessfully DNC-hacked) Iowa Caucus
Hooray for Bernie Sanders!
He waited until he had the numbers and now he’s calling it. He won Iowa!
Maybe the same corporate media that have been touting Pete Buttigieg as the “presumptive winner” in the messy Iowa Caucus, now that their story is collapsing are unwilling to call it for Bernie.

If You Were A Democratic Candidate, Who Would You Most Want On The Top Of The Ticket?

Newt Gingrich, once House speaker, was driven out of Congress in 1997 by his fellow-Republicans who joined the Democrats in voting for one of the 84 ethics charges against him. He was formally reprimanded and forced to reimburse the House for the $300,000 he had embezzled. Only 28 Republicans voted no, the reprimand passing 395-28. He was the first-ever speaker to be reprimanded on an ethics charge.

Acronym group that sabotaged Iowa caucus birthed by billionaire who funded Alabama disinformation campaign

Silicon Valley billionaire Reid Hoffman funded the creation of ACRONYM, the group that sabotaged the Iowa caucus results, after bankrolling…
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“Corrupt” “Rigged” Iowa “Shit Show” Caucus Sparks Anger Across America

Two days after the caucus, the fiasco in Iowa continues. On Monday, Shadow, the app the Democratic Party was relying on to count votes, crashed, leaving all sides angry at the incompetence and the confusion it caused. Nevertheless, with no precincts reporting, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg declared victory. Bernie Sanders’ team believed the Vermont senator held around a five-point lead over Buttigieg in the popular vote. However, two days later the two are neck-and-neck, with ten pledged delegates each, both receiving over a quarter of the vote share.