Pete Aguilar

How The Big Times Media Covers The Local Congressional Races-- L.A. Times/CA-31

No one's even asking Jean Merl to explain this drunken, coked up messJean Merl is the big kahuna among L.A. political journalists. She works at the L.A. Times and her articles are widely considered the most-read political stories in southern California, even though they generally lack context, insight and substance and are suspiciously similar to campaign talking points.

Race For The Inland Empire Congressional Seat Heats Up

The Republican wing of the Democratic Party, the New Dems, has endorsed their perfect little corporate stooge-- empty suit and Chamber of Commerce front man Pete Aguilar. Aguilar ran all over the California state Democratic Party convention with shameless corporate whores Gavin Newsom and Eric Bauman assuring all the delegates he's a progressive.

What Kind Of Democrat Calls Himself A "Reagan Fiscal Conservative" In A Primary?

The other day, we mentioned that the two conservative Dems in the Inland Empire congressional race (CA-31), Joe Baca and Pete Aguilar, are slugging it out over which one is worse on the environment. They're both really awful. Aguilar, a former bank lobbyist for the failed Arrowhead Savings and Loan, is the picture of sleazy insider corruption and his entire career has been predicated on his eagerness to cozy up with the Chamber of Commerce Republicans who control the Redlands area.

Another Blow To Steve Israel's Anti-Progressive Electoral Strategy-- This Time In San Bernardino

Crooked small town mayor wants Steve Israel to get him into CongressLast week we looked at Eloise Reyes' first ad in the Inland Empire's CA-31 congressional race and, once again, examined the myriad contrast between her and the pathetic empty suit the DCCC is trying to foist off on the working families of San Bernardino, Pete Aguilar, a pawn of the Chamber of Commerce and of wealthy Repu

CA-31-- Will Eloise Reyes Be Congress' First Ever Onion Topper? That's Way Better Than Another Crooked Bank Lobbyist

Speaking about her inspiring life story in her first TV ad, Eloise Reyes talks about the hard work and perseverance it took to go from topping onions as a small child and working her way through school and law school to the middle class and now running for Congress. "I made the journey," she says, "but for people these days, that journey has become so much harder." Eloise isn't a Republican or a corporate tool like her opponent, Pete Aguilar.

Another Shakeup In The Inland Empire Congressional Race (CA-31)

After huge endorsements for Inland Empire progressive Eloise Reyes from Southern California progressive leaders Rep. Xavier Becerra, Rep. Lucille Roybal Allard, state Senator Ed Hernández, and ex-Secretary of Labor/former CA-31 Congresswoman Hilda Solis, the DCCC's Steve Israel was forced to back away from his love affair with corrupt conservative empty suit Pete Aguilar. He added the district rather than Aguilar to the Red-to-Blue list. Perhaps that was enough of a signal for Rep.