Perpetual Wars

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 27, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“When the government’s boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence.” – Gary Lloyd

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 27, 2013

Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Support BFP
BFP Nightly Quote
“When the government’s boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence.” – Gary Lloyd

The Leading Whistleblower of All Time: Philip Agee

“There’s no former CIA officer more hated by members of the intelligence establishment than Agee; no one’s even close”
Before there was Edward Snowden, William Binney and Thomas Drake … before there was Bradley Manning, Sibel Edmonds and Jesselyn Radack … there was Philip Agee. What Agee revealed is still the most startling and important information about US foreign policy that any American government whistleblower has ever revealed.

The Leading Whistleblower of All Time: Philip Agee

“There’s no former CIA officer more hated by members of the intelligence establishment than Agee; no one’s even close”
Before there was Edward Snowden, William Binney and Thomas Drake … before there was Bradley Manning, Sibel Edmonds and Jesselyn Radack … there was Philip Agee. What Agee revealed is still the most startling and important information about US foreign policy that any American government whistleblower has ever revealed.

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 26, 2013

Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Support BFP
BFP Nightly Quote
“The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.” - John Hay

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 26, 2013

Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Support BFP
BFP Nightly Quote
“The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.” - John Hay

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 25, 2013

Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Support BFP
BFP Nightly Quote
“One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation.” – Thomas B. Reed (1886)

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 25, 2013

Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Support BFP
BFP Nightly Quote
“One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation.” – Thomas B. Reed (1886)