Perpetual Wars

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 8, 2013

Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Support BFP
BFP Nightly Quote
“Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” – Thomas Paine

A few Minutes of Reflection this 4th of July

“I hereby declare, on oath, that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic”- Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the USA
During this celebratory holiday please take a few minutes to read our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Citizenship-Office Oath. Please do it.
You will not find the word ‘Flag.’
You will not see the word ‘Borders.’
You will not see the words ‘National Security.’
What you will see is the word ‘Constitution.’

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 3, 2013

Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Support BFP
BFP Nightly Quote
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” – Goethe

America: Government by Terror, Torture & Tyranny

Coming Forward Threatens America’s Imperial Ambitions
America governs lawlessly. Out-of-control rogues run things. Conditions go from bad to worse. Tyranny threatens everyone. So does possible global war.
Fear-mongering, saber rattling, hot wars, proxy ones, drone ones, geopolitical ones, financial ones, anti-populist ones, mass incarceration, censorship, lawless sanctions, subversion, sabotage, targeted assassinations, mass murder, cyberwar, and horrific draconian harshness reflect out-of control governance gone mad.

America: Government by Terror, Torture & Tyranny

Coming Forward Threatens America’s Imperial Ambitions
America governs lawlessly. Out-of-control rogues run things. Conditions go from bad to worse. Tyranny threatens everyone. So does possible global war.
Fear-mongering, saber rattling, hot wars, proxy ones, drone ones, geopolitical ones, financial ones, anti-populist ones, mass incarceration, censorship, lawless sanctions, subversion, sabotage, targeted assassinations, mass murder, cyberwar, and horrific draconian harshness reflect out-of control governance gone mad.

Washington Is Driving the World to the Final War

“Whether the desire for liberty exists in America remains to be seen.”
“V For Vendetta,” a film that portrays evil in a futuristic England as a proxy for the evil that exists today in America, ends with the defeat of evil. But this is a movie in which the hero has super powers. If you have not seen this film, you should watch it. It might wake you up and give you courage. The excerpts below show that, at least among some filmmakers, the desire for liberty still exists.

Washington Is Driving the World to the Final War

“Whether the desire for liberty exists in America remains to be seen.”
“V For Vendetta,” a film that portrays evil in a futuristic England as a proxy for the evil that exists today in America, ends with the defeat of evil. But this is a movie in which the hero has super powers. If you have not seen this film, you should watch it. It might wake you up and give you courage. The excerpts below show that, at least among some filmmakers, the desire for liberty still exists.