perception management

Securing the M4 and M5 Highways in Syria a Blow to Turkey? Or for US/ Israel & Their "Greater Kurdistan" Plan?

The claim of "blow to Turkey" is being made in regard to the securing the two highways.  Though, it's completely out of touch with reality to my mind. You may ask- Why do you say that?  Why is this situation being viewed so differently here then elsewhere?Let me explain.The Year is 2018..... And the Astana Guarantors made the Idlib Agreement- In that agreement the M-4 and M-5 highways were to be reopened because it is beneficial to Iran, Syria and Turkey that this happens. As stated nearly two years ago:

The Middle East Conflict You Haven’t Heard About?

Wall Street Journal published a piece claiming there’s a "conflict you’ve not heard about"Wrong! Readers here have heard/read about it. Having, in fact, been informed fairly extensively about the conflict, that is the subject of their oped.While others obfuscate, we’ve explored, as much as possible, in order to have a basic understanding of the situation.

Greed-a Thunberg's Nobel Prize Scam. Propaganda Rebrand and a Death Cult Environmentalist Reverend ?

Information packed post below:Take the time to listen to both presentations included  directly below the must read info;      First hattip over to NTS:  

How fortuitous that Greed-a Trademarked her brand in advance of her Nobel nomination. 

JINSA Proposes US Military Forces Transfer from Turkey to Greece and/or Cyprus

The anti Turkey sentiment expressed everywhere has roots somewhere. It comes through think tanks, msm and  the alternative media. Some expressions of irrational anti-Turkey sentiment may be unwitting. A great many are witting. Managing our perceptions is paramount. Worth keeping in mind. All the time.Readers here surely know about JINSA ? If not.... JINSA

"New coronavirus may be no more dangerous than the flu, despite worldwide alarm: experts"

Finally some sane reporting in among the insane hype and excessive fear mongering including from the WHO. (World Health Organization) That bastion of big pharma given an air of authority for your managed perception. And the US leadership under Donald Trump.Declaring a coronovirus emergency and quarantines aka medical martial law

Greed-a Thunberg CAPITALIZES on Cult Status Trademarking “ Friday’s for Future”

Capitalize- To Gain Advantage from“Friday’s for the Future”. Will that become as widely used as TGIF? If "everybody's workin' for the week end",is Friday really the future?Maybe it's Saturday?  As the life hating cult continues to exploit the inculcated, we can simply imagine the merchandise that can be sold for profit..  Undoubtedly lots of unnecessary junk can be created to enrich Greed-a and her ilk.

Russia & Turkey Opposed the 2011 Intervention in Libya- Their Voices Speak Loudest As They Work To End 9 Years of Chaos

RT- Scott Ritter - read entire oped at link

"Moscow and Ankara are not responsible for starting the conflict which has ravaged Libya, but they may have a decisive role in ending it, as they lead international diplomatic efforts at the Berlin peace conference.