Pepe Escobar

The Caliph fit to join OPEC

Islamic State leader Caliph Ibrahim - aka Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - never ceases to amaze us - and most of all his powerful petrodollar-stuffed backers. The Caliph is for all practical purposes now an oil major worth of membership of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). His takfiri/mercenary goons - in theory - have for some time been extracting, refining, shipping and/or smuggling and clinching juicy deals involving vast quantities of oil, reaping profits of roughly US$2 million a day.

The Kobani Riddle

The brave women of Kobani - where Syrian Kurds are desperately fighting ISIS/ISIL/Daesh - are about to be betrayed by the "international community". These women warriors, apart from Caliph Ibrahim's goons, are also fighting treacherous agendas by the US, Turkey and the administration of Iraqi Kurdistan. So what's the real deal in Kobani?
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The Saudi oil war against Russia, Iran and the US

The House of Saud believes it can dump a tsunami of oil in the market and back it up with a tsunami of spin – creating the illusion the Saudis control oil prices. They don’t. As much as this strategy will fail, Beijing is showing the way out; trading in other currencies stabilizes prices. The only losers, in the end, will be those who stick to trade in US dollars.
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Operation Tomahawk The Caliph

By Pepe Escobar (Asia Times | The Roving Eye) The Tomahawks are finally flying again – propelled by newspeak. 42 Tomahawks fired from a Sixth Fleet destroyer parked in Mare Nostrum, plus F-22s raising hell and Hellfires spouted by drones, that’s a neat mini-Shock and Awe to honor Caliph Ibrahim, aka Abu Bakr al -Baghdadi, self-declared leader of Islamic State. […]
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Podcast Show #115: Obama, Putin, Prince Bandar & the Looming War on Syria

The Boiling Frogs Show Presents Pepe Escobar

Roving journalist and author Pepe Escobar joins us to discuss the latest developments on Syria. We delve into the facts and sources on the latest chemical weapons allegations. We discuss Saudi Arabia’s Prince Bandar, Russia, the Kurd’s stand, the greater geopolitical implications of the nearing war on Syria and much more. Do not miss this riveting episode of the Boiling Frogs Show.