Pepe Escobar

Dance to the Panama Papers ‘Limited Hangout’ Leak

Even without a smoking gun, a case can be made this alleged most massive leak ever was obtained by -- what else -- U.S. intel. This is the kind of stuff the NSA excels at. The NSA is able to break into virtually any database and/or archives anywhere; they steal "secrets"; and then selectively destroy/blackmail/protect assets and "enemies," according to USG interests.
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The real coalition against Daesh is the “4+1”: Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq plus Hezbollah

The real coalition against Daesh is the “4+1”: Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq plus Hezbollah. Their advances on the ground, and on the record, speak for themselves. The US-led-from-behind coalition is mostly for show.  Pepe Escobar is an independent geopolitical analyst. He writes for RT, Sputnik and TomDispatch, and is a frequent contributor to websites and radio and TV shows ranging […]
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Newsbud Live Google Hangouts

For the first Google Hangout yours truly is the host and our guests are Peter B Collins, Sibel Edmonds, Guillermo Jimenez, Bill Conroy, Prof. Robert McChesney, Christoph Germann, and Pepe Escobar.

For the second Newsbud Google Hangout Peter B Collins is joined by Sprio, James Corbett, Sibel Edmonds, Prof. Filip Kovacevic, Paul Jamiol, and Katie Aguilera.

Why the ‘Sultan of Chaos’ is freaking out

Picture sleepless nights at ‘Sultan’ Erdogan’s palace in Ankara. Imagine him livid when he learns the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), backed by Russian air power, started a preemptive Battle of Aleppo – through the Bayirbucak region – cutting off Ankara’s top weaponizing corridor and Jihadi highway. Who controls this corridor will control the final outcome of the war in Syria. […]
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