People Funded Media

Newsbud Report with Peter B. Collins- Episode #2

Did we just finish Mainstream Media Malpractice Week? We examine the media’s premature projection of Hillary Clinton as Democratic nominee. We report on the FBI’s expanding use of paid informants in “domestic terrorism” cases, like the recent convictions in Minneapolis; and the FBI’s push for expanded powers to monitor internet activity. We examine NY Gov. Cuomo’s order to punish supporters of boycotts of Israel, and journalist Max Blumenthal comments in our interview. In our Newsbud Exclusive, Prof.

BFP Roundtable: Introducing NEWSBUD- Where Media Integrity Matters

On this edition of the BFP Roundtable James Corbett talks to Sibel Edmonds, Peter B. Collins and Pepe Escobar about Newsbud, a new media venture to take the alt media to the next level. In this conversation we discuss who is involved with the project, what they hope to achieve with it, and how it will be funded. Come and join us for a one-of-a-kind people-funded media platform where integrity matters!